the Epi/lle to the Galatians. Chap.2, 145' thernvnder foote,making Godswill, our wifdome, andwill and giumgit lordship and dominion euer vs , our ownewills in the meane fcafon lying dead invs. Thus arc we to carrie out fclues as dead men : and we arc to becareful' of it : that ê Godmay bane pleasure in vswe mullforget our ownepeople, and ourfathershoufe. Pfal,45. I o. That wemaybuy the pcarle , we muff fell all wehaue, our wills, ouraffetìions, and the dearcft things in theworld. He that would hue when he isdead, mull diewhile he is aline: and we muff now lay out our (clues as ro dead persons. Corruption ofnature, reason, and will,arruft be dcadin vs , that Christ alonemay hue and raignc in vs. The third point concerning fpirituall life is , touchingthe Original' and well - fpring thereof, in thefcwords, That 6hrif=i may reigns in me. For the better concciuing whereof, three ,g5' points are to be oblerued. The firfl,that Chnft is not onely the Author, with the father& theH.Ghofl, but alto the Roote of life, hauing life in bimfclfe that hemay conuaic it to all that be- Iceue in hint He is the true 'vine , and we are the branches. ¡oh. i 5. z. he is anappointedhead tohit Churrh. Eph. 1. 22, he is the so prince oflife. Air. 3. r 5. he is a quickaingfpirir. t. Cor. r 5.45. And in thisregard is he Paid to-lure invr, Tamely, asa mote in the branch , oras the head inthe members. The second point is, that theremull be anVnionwith Chrifl , before we can re- teiue hie fromhim, and he hue in vs. Ifye abide in me , and / in 35 you, ye !WI bringforthmuchfruit. Ioh.t 5.4. We mull be graf- ted with him , before wecan be conformable to his death and relurreilion. Rom. 6.5. And againc, wemull be taken out of ithe wild oliue , and set in the truc oliuc. Rom. it . 24. Thus much Paul fignifirth, whenhe faith, ChriJ1 lines inme. Of this 30 c .iun6lion , two things mull be noted. The firfl , that it is a fubflantiail .vnion : in that theperfonofhim that bcleeueth, is vnitcd to the personof Chrift. For we mull care the /1e,4, of Chrifl , anddrinke. his blood, before we canhaue life abiding in vs,Ioh.6.5 3, and owe bodies aremembers ofChrifl. t .Cor.6. t 5. 35 Again, thisVnion is fpirituall,bccaufc it is made by the bond 'ofonefpirit. r.Cor, z 2.13. Byonefpirit:*eare bapttfdinto one belie. And nomass is to maruaile, that wron earth should be ioyned to Chtifi in hcauen. By ciuill contra& man andwife arc one flcfh ,though difiant many miiesafunder : why then may not we be iovned toChrifl byvenueof the coucnant of i Tr w gr cil