Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

150 Chap.2. t4Commentate vpcn tfpa,l é, Pial. t 16. t 2.-Thirdly , after the werke is done , faith mul.t cower the defeEts thereof , that it may be acceptable to God.ileb.I r.5. Temporal! life, {lands in cares,ormiferies : andmiferies,are outward aftEtions, or inward temptations. And ire-all our worldly cares , we arc to hue by faith. For our care null he to doe our office, and the labourofour calling,with all diligence. This becing done, wemuff there make apaute and for the fnccef?e of all our praiers , and labours , we mutt call our care on God.I.Pct.5.7. to Likewife, in our af$iEìions we are to hue byfaith. For our faith is to allure vs , that God according to his promifc will glue a good iffue. I . Cor. i o. t z. And though all temporal things fade vs, it makes vs retaine thehopeof rnerde and ofe- ternall life. Thirdly, it makes vs waite Gods leifure for our dc- tf Utterance. Ifa: Laflly,in our Temptationswe are not to hue by fecling,but by faith: yea againft feeling, to reff on the bare promtfe of God ; when we feele andapprehend nothing but the wrathof God. And thus we fee how the beleeuer hues by his faith in 20 this world. It may bePaid, What is thefaith we liue by ? Anfwer is here made : It it thefaith of thefenne cfGod. And fauing faith is fo called; becaufcChrift is not oncly the Author ofir,and the ob- WI., or matter ofit , but alto the Reuealer of it. For therewas 25 a certaine faith inGod, whichwas put into the heart ofman in the creation, which alto the morali law requireth: but this faith in the Mefíias, was not knowne till after the. fall; and then it was reuealed to the worldby theTonne ofGod. Againe , it may be (aide, What is this faith of theSonne of 3o God.? Anfwer is here made : A faithwhereby I bcleeuc that Chrifl bath lotted me, andgisenhirnfelfefor me. Thefewords then thus explaned, are an anfwer to an obie- . Mon, whichmay be framed thus : Why fhouldeft thou fay, that thou Weft not, butthat Chrift liueth in thee ; confidering 35 thou liueft in the Befit , as other mendoe ? Anfwer is made, Though I hue in the Befit , yet I hue by the faithof the {mirk ofGod. 'Thevie. Here firít ofall they are to be blamed, that line by fink like beafts : belecuing no more then they fee , and trti- t fling