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x 5 Chap.2. 1Cormmentarievpors religion. And wemutt take heede,leaft this our foolifhnes,and intoxicationofour fenfes , lead vs headlong to perdition. And therefore we muti learne the way of life in hut-mime. Pfal. 25. 9. Wemuff obey it, and inobedience we (nail learne it. loh.7. a 7. We muff as heartily loue the word ofGod,as in minde we 5 conceive it ; Iealt bynot louingof it we begiuenvp toflrongil- Iu(iont to beleeue lies. 2. Theo. 2. TO. La lily , we muff pray to God to be taught and guided by his word and fpírit , in things pertaining to cuerlafting life. Toproceede further,the delufion or bewitchingofthe Ga. t latians, is let forth by two arguments. The firff is, the ende, in there words , thatyeJbould not obey the truth. Before I come to the contideration of there words , a doubt muff be refolued. For force man may fay , thatthisEpilHe is corrupted : becaufe there words arewanting in fundrie tranflations, and editionsof tfi, the Bible : and Icrome faith , that they'werenot found in the copies of the bible in his dales. Anf. In the Editions and tran- flations of thebible,there are fundrie differences,and diuerfi- ties ofreadings and thefe differences arc not the fault of the Scripture, but of the men which vied to write out the bible : 20 for thebible heretofore was fpread abroad,not byprinting,but bywriting. Againe,though in the bookes ofthe bible there be fundrie varieties ofreading,yet the prouidence of Godbath fo watched ouer the Bible, that the feule thereofremaineth intire, found, and incorrupt, fpecially in the grounds of religion. 'zt Andnot the words principally,but the fenfe is the Scripture. And that which I fay appeareth in this text : for whether thefe wordsbe left in, orput out, the fetale ofthevcrfe,is one and the fame. Thefe words,thatyeAmidnot obey the tratth,are meant of-the 3c obedience offaith.Rom.r. ',and r6.23.And the obedience of faith is propounded vnto vs without adding ,detratling,or changing. And this the Galatiansdid not : for they added in. flification byworkes, to thedoctrineof Paul,touching iuffifi- cation by faith alonea by which addition they depraued the 35 truth, and (hewed that indeede they beleeued not the truth. Here let vs oblerue the (copeofall the maliceof the dcuill:and that is,to hinder, or ouerthrow our faith. The firfi thing the deuill aimed at in our firfi parents, was to ouerthrow their faith, and to aura= todoubtof the truth ofGods word. The-)