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the Epißle to the Galatians. Chap. I . \ I y great vie. Firft,it workes loue in vs , on this manner. We muff in minde and meditation come to the croflè of Chrifl. Vpon the croffe we areto behold Chrifl crucified , and in his death and paflìon,his facrifice, in his facrifice for the finncs of his e. y nemies, his endles loue : and the confiderationof this loue will rnooue vs to loue him againe,and the father in him. Secondly, the confiderationof his oldies pai;,es for our fumes in the fa- crifice ofhimfelfe, mull breede in vs a godly farrow for them: for ifhe forrow forthem,much morewe. Thirdly, this know. t o ledge is the true beginningofamendment of life. For if Chrifl gate himfelfe to redeetncvs from iatinuitie , wc2nufl take vp a purpofe of not finning, andHeuer wittingly fume more. Lail- ly, this knowledge is the foundation of comfort in them that truly turne to Chrifi. For the price is paid for their fumes: and 115 they which are eared oftheir finnes are blcf%d,Pfal.32.1. And in temptation , they may boldly oppofé the fatisfacîíon of Chrifl againft hell, death, the law,and the iud2er1tent of God: and ifat any time they finne,they rnutl recouer flier-Or-clues and retrember that they 1.7atie 44 Advocate ziirh the fa. ;her /efai 20 Chrii,2 theist/1.1.1(1,11.'2. I. And whereas Paul faith , that Cis :rfgate hinljelfe for our linnet, he teach(th that eueryman applie this gift and fa crifice ofChrill to himfelfe. This applying, is done by faith : and the right manner of application is this. We muff turne to 25 Chrill , and in turning by faith applie : and whet weapplie Chrill by faith , we muff withall turne. Faith goeth before conuerfìon inorder ofnature, yet in the order oftcaching,and praaife, they are both together. They which vfe to applie Chrifl and his benefits vnto- themfelues, and vet will not turne 30 thernfelucs to Chriff , mifapplie, and prefume : becaufe the right apprehenfionofChriff, is in the excrcifesof inuocation, and repentance. The fecond ende, for which Chrifl gatehitnfelfc, is that he might take vs out ofthis enill world. And hencewe are taught 35 three things. Firfl that we rnufi be grieued and difpleafcd at the wickednes of the world as Lot was, 2.Pet. 2.7e Secondly,. that we mull notfaíhion.our (clues to the wicked hues of the men of this world : but we muff in all thingsproosre what ïs the goodwill, of Godand doe it. Thirdly, feeing we arc taken out of ,, we Inuit not dwellin it, but our dwellingmutt be I. Ytt ,