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168 Chap. 3. Commentarie vfiosa in thegraces ofthefpirit. We vfe to fayof(hi!dren, god make themgoodold men : and it is well laid. An oldman is to be te- r) : but fpecially, a Goodoldman, who is more to be re- fpc IIed then twentie of younger yeares. Now aged perfons when they grow in age , and not in the fpirit, they loofe their honour, for age is a cr-owne ofglorie when it isfoundin the trayof righteo i/sees. Prov. 16. 3 t. Let them therefore pray withDa- uid, Forfiake menot,O Lord, inmine oldage, Pfal. l1.9. . Haueye fuffered fomany things in valne.lffobe it be euen in value. The interrogation.., baueye f is as much as,yehaue. Becaufc the queffaonin .this place counteru.ìile -s a fneech aTirmatiue. And the wordes carrie this fenfc : Ye haueproffled the Go- tç fpel and ye haue fuffered msnyalBittions for the fame: but nowhaue ye rcuolted from the Gofpel , and therefore allyour former fufferings arevoid, or in vainc. The words[iftheybe invain]are a limitation or qualificati- on ofthat which was faide before and they carrie this fenfe : 20 Whereas I haue laid that your fufferings are in vaine, ;i fpeakc it not (imply , but with Tomehope ofyour repentance : which if-it be.: then that which would be in vaine , (hall not be in vaine. In this verfe,Paul lets downe a"fecond reaf"on,toprooue the 25 propofition of hisfirft argument, on this manner : If ye recei- ued the fpirit by my doérine , then is my doEirine true, andye fooles inmolting from it.For by this meancs the thingswhich you fuffered well, ye nowPuffer in vaine. The vfe. WhenPaul faith, Harseyefnfered, &c. he{ignifies 3e -unto vs the elate and condition of all belecuers in this life, that theymuff bebearers and fuffercrs. The reafon.Tothis are wecalled, t. Pet. 2. 2 r. for we arccalled to refigne all reuenge to God, and therefore ofour fillies to be bearers and fufferers. Math. 5. 3 0. Refifi net end/. And we are called to imitate the ;5 paflion of Chrift , who fuffered beeing innocent , and bering reuïled,teuilcd not againe. Moreouer , it is for our good that we íhould beare and fufl^cr. r .Pet. t.6.andP61.119.71.1; may ;be demanded, Whatif my can febe good , muff I then fuffer ? Art /Yea. Thebetter-thy caute is,thebetter are thy fufferings they S I0