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r . ! Chap. 3. ACommentarie upon we fee that they are deeciued , who thinke that the deuill can make raine, thunder , and lightning. Indeede when the matter ofraine and thunder isprepared byGod, he can hafIen it, and makeAmore terrible : butraine,and thunder he cannot make : for that is indeede as mach as any miracle. Againe, it is afalfc- hood to thinke,that Alchitrtifts areable to turne baler mettals, 5 into gold. For it is a workeof creation to turne a creatureof one kind into a creature ofan other kind. It is alto as foolifhto imagine that witches, by the power of the deuill, areable to turnethemfelues, into cans and other creatures. Nonecan doe this, but God that made the creature. to Here againe we fee the vfeofmiracles , that is, to confirme doctrine in theApoflolike Churches. That their vfe is further to confirme dottrine euen at this day, it cannot be prooucd. Lafily , here in the Galatians we feewhat an eafic thing it is 15 to fall fromGod, from our faith, andallegiance to him. They were taught byPaul : they had cecciued the fpirit ofadoption: they were enabled to worke miracles : and yet for all this , they fall away toan other Gofpel. Theymutt be a lookingglaflc to vs. In peace we are now confiant : but iftrial! (hall come, our frailtie (hall appeare. That ourfrailtie and weaknes maynot be 20 hurtful to vs, we muff remember two rules . One is, not to hauea conceit of any thing in vs : but to hold our faithand re- ligion in feare, as in the prefcnce of God.Rom. r 1.2o. The le- corn!, to take hiede that there be not in vs an mill , corrupt, and diflembling heart. For ifour heart be naught , our faith 25 cannot begood.Hcb.4.1 2. 6 As Abraham beleeued God, . and it was imputed tohim for righ.- 30. teoufnes 7 Knowye therefore, that they which are of faith, are the children ofAbraham. The words, Euen as Abraham, ©c. hale reference to that which went before, on this manner. Ye Galatians receiued thr fpirit by my doctrine andmy dottrine was the preaching of t iu:_t 35