theEpWle to the Galatians. Chap. 3. 7 Againe, by this we fee there isbut one iuflification; and that thefecond, by workes,whereby a man,ofagood nran.ís made better, isa 'mere fiaion. For full Abraham is not iutlificd by his good worker wherewith he abounded, but after his firil S iuttification, faith (fill is imputed tohim for righteoufnes. Thirdly,herewe feewhat is that very thing, wherebywearc to appeare iuft beforeGod , and to be faucd,and that is theO- bedience of Chritt,imputed tovs of God , andapprehended by our faith. !o Lattly,here we fee our dutie.God fits as a Iudge ottervs: he takes areckening ofvs,for all our doings : the law is anhand- writing againff vs: to tomehe imputes their fumes, to tome he remits them. We therefore muff come into the prefenceof. God, pleadguiltie, and acknowledge ourfelues tobeas bank- z; rupts,and intreat him tograunt pardon tovs,and to accept the fatisfaEtion of Chrift for vs : then will God not imputeour 4 manes , but the obedienceof Chri(t for our iutlification :and accepthim as ourfuretic in lifeand death. The declaration of the conclufion followes in the 9. verle, 'io and it Ames who are the true children of Abraham. The sneaningofthewordsmull firft be confidered. Tobe offaith, is tobe ofAbrahams faith, Rom. 4.1 6. And to be ofAbrahams with, is to beleeue, and applie the promife of righteoufnes and hie euerlafting byChriíl,as Abraham did : and toref} init for 25 our iuftification and faluation. v. r o.theyarePaidto be ofworkr, whodoe the works ofthe law, and looke to be iuf ified there- by : therefore they arcoffaith,who belccue inChrift, & looke tobe faced and iuflified thereby. And they which thus belecue with Abraham , are laid to be 3 o his children. It may be demanded, how ? An/. Children ofA- braham,areoftwo forts: fome bynature, fome by grace. By nature are they which are ofAbraham by the ficfh, or naturali generation , as Ismael was. By grace , all belceuers are children of Abraham : and that three wales. Firtl, byIrnitation,in that 35 Abraham is let forth vnto vs as a patterne , in the fleppes of whole faith all true beleeuers walke. Rom.4.t 2. Secondly, be. 'enters arcchildren ofAbraham,by fucccllion,in that they fuc- ceede him in the inheritance of the fameblefling. Thirdly,ticy are childrento himbyakind offpirituall generation . For A- hraham by bc)eeuing the promifeofa feededid after a fort be-! Zr get;