18o Chap.; . 4C.iim entarievpan fo they be Iewes, andnot Gentiles. Now thisdoubt, excepti- on,or obieftion,Paulremoouesin thereverfes,thus.Whé God laid toAbraham, !nthee /hallall the Gee tiles bebleffed; he figni Pied, the iuflification cuenofthc Gentiles by faith:thercfcre all that are offaith,eucn the G cntiles,areblcfred ofGod,as Abra 5 hamwas. - In the8. verfe, Iconfider three things ; theoccafion of the fpeach of God to Abraham, namely, Godi foreknowledge: the manner ofhis (peach, thepreaching of the Gofel to Abra- ham : and the teftimonie it felfe, In thee, &c. io Touching the occafion; firft,it may be demanded, whether this foreknowledge inGod, be a bareforeknowlcdge,feuered from the will of God,or no ? Anf. No : Gods foreknowledge, is in all things ioyned with his decree , or will. IfGod (hould forefee things to come , and in no fort will ornill them , there if fhould be an idleprouideuce. Chri.fi shat delivered 67 themill andforenor7ledge ofGod,Ati.2.2 ;.and theLewes for their parts didnothing in the crucifyingofChrift , bra that which the hand, andcorn/ellofGadhaddetermined to be done.AEt.4.28. Neither is God by this dot}rine made the author of fanne. For finne 20 comes to paffe, not from thewill ofGod, but according to his will : in that he forefees euill,and withal} wills not tohinder the beeingoîit : and mill not hindred, comes to paffe. Againe,it may be demanded , In what order the foreknow- ledge of God {lands to his will. Arr. The foreknowledge of as things that may poflibly come topaffe,goesbefore his will:the foreknowledgeofthings that (hall certenly come to paffe, fol- lowes the will , anddecree of God . For things comenot to paffe, becaufe they are forefeenc; but becaufe they are to come to paffe,according to thewill of God ; therefore they are fore- 30 feene. Now then becaufe foreknowledge in God , is ioyned with his will, and is aiwaics aconfcquent ofit,it is oftenput for . the counfell, will, and decree of God ; as in this place. In thistext, two things are tobe confidered of Gods fore. knowledge. The firft is,who,or what forefeesî Anfwcr is here 33 made , The Scripture forefeet: that is , God forefees , and the Scripture records things forcfeene by him. Hence it appeares, that the writings of Moles are thewordofGod. For they fore- tell things to come 2000 yeares after , as the callingand bens- dstiion of the Gentiles in the feedeof Abraham. In the fame regarc