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the Epiffle to the Galatians. Chap. 3. Ithe-Prophet Habaeuk. The afiumption is in the 1 a.verfe. Thevfe.Whê Pa& faith,Aro and is issfsf'ed by thelaw in the light ofGod:he makes adouble iu[lification:one,beforeGod:the o- ther,before mê.Iu[lification before God is,when God reputes 5 a man lull,& that onely for the merit,and obedienceofChrif}. Iuflification before men , is , when fuch asprofefe faith in Chri{l, arereputed iu{l ofmen. By this diflintuion, Paul who faith, that avian sa issfiiedbyfaithwithout workes, Rom. 3.2S. and Iames, who faith , that Abraham mu issßsfiedbyfaith, and xo worhes,lanr.2.24. are reconciled: for Paul fpeakes ofiuflifica- tion beforeGod,as hehimfelfe exprefrely tefltfieth,flom.4.2. and S. Ianes fpeakes of iutlification before men , which is not onelyby the profeflìon offaith, but altoby workes: In the fame fort , there is a double Elcetion. One fpeciall, 15 whereby God knowes who are his. Theother , is more general!, whereby we repute all men to be Eleít, that profefle faith in Chrifl, leaning fecret iudgemcnts to God.Thus Paul writes to the Ephefians, Philippians,&c. as Elefl. And the Minif}ers of the word, are to fptakc to their congregations, as to the Elet so peopleofGod. In the famemanner, there isa double fanthfication: one be- fore God , in truth, Eph. 4.28. the other before men , in the iudgement ofcharitie. Thus men are Paid, to treedwider foote the bloodof (brill wherewith they werefantiled. Hehr. 10.29. 25 Thus all that arc ofright to be baptifed ,areholy and regene- rate: not in theiudgemcnt ofcertentie,which is Gods; but in the iudgement of charitie, which is mans : fecrcts alwaies refer- ued to God. Againe,whenPaul faith,in the/ t ofGod, he glues vs tovn. 0 derfland, that there is an vniuerfall judgement ofGod, before whomewe mull all appeare, and be iudged. And when Paul faith in the time prefcnt , that God istflifieth (though not by workes) he figni&es , that this iudgement is alrcadic begunne vpon vs, euen in this life. This mutt teach vs, to walke ingod- 35 lyand holy conuerfation , in the feare ofGod : and to watch and pray, that we may befound worthie,to Hand before God. Malefa lours,when they are going to iudgement , and when they feethe Iudge fet : lay afide skorning, and bethinke them- felues whatto fay,or doe. Nowwe are there malefaCours : and we know that Godbath alreadie begunne to giue iudgement 6 193