Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap. i. ACovmetetarie vpon notanetherjwhich pretended Gofpell of the falte Apoflles, is not indeed another gófpell from that ofPaul, bccaufe there is , but one;but it is an inuentionof thebraine ofman. But there le 1 fomejthat is , but I plainely percciue the caule ofyour reuolt, I that tome trouble you , and kekc to ou.erthrowe theGofpell 5 of Chrifl. In there words,.t:vo points areto be confidered. The firfl is, the manner which Paul vfeth in reproouing the Galatians. He 1 tenders their good,and faluation, and leeks by all meanes their recouerie . And therefore in his reproofe he doth two things. ro Firfl,he reproouesthem with meekeneffe, and tendernefIe of: heart,following his owne rule , Gal. 6.i. for he might iuflly haue faid,yemay be afhamed, that ye arc remooued toanother Gofpell,but he faith oncly,I rnarueil,thatis, I was well perfwa- ded ofyou,and I hoped"for better things, but I am deceiued, & 15 I wonder at it.Secondly,he frames hisreproofe with great Wa- rineffc,& circumfpct #ion:for he faithnot,yeofyour telues doe remooue to another Gofpell,but ye are remooued:and thus he blames them but in part, and laies the principali blame on o- thers,Againe,he faith not, ye were remooued , but in the time 20-, prefent,Je are rem©oared, that is,y-eare in the atîc ofReuolting, and hauenot as yet altogither revolted. And hereby he puts them inminde,that although they bein a fault , yet there is no- thing done,whichmaynot eafily bevndonc.According to his example,we are in all Reproofes, to theme loue, and to kcepe 25 loue:to lhewe loue to the partie reprooued , and to frame our reproofe,fo as we may kcepehis loue. The fecondpoint is the fault reprooued, and that is,the Re- uolt of the ûalatians:which was a departure from the calling, j whereby they were called to the graceofChrifi`. Ifit be demâ- 30 ded,what kind of Revolt this was?I anfwer,there be twokinds 1 oFreuolt,particrrlar andge rerall. Particular, whenmen profcflle thename oFCbrifl,and vet depart from the faith,in fome prin- cipal] points thereof. Of this kinde was the Apoflacie of the tenne tribes,andfuck is the Apoflacie of the Romane Church. 3 5 Agerrerall reuolt is , when men wholly forfakc the faith & nameofChrifl . Thus doe the Iewes,andTurkes at this day. Againe,a reuolte is fometime of wcakenefre,and humane frail= tie,and fometimcofobflinacic. Nowe the reuolt ofthe Galati- ans was onely particular in the point ofiuflification , and of weakenes,