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the Epifi le to the Galatians. Chap. ;. it is more , then if all men had fuffered eternal! death. There- fore the deathof Chrift in rcfpeft of the meafureof the pu- nifhment , as alto in refpeft of thevalue, anddignitie thereof, counteruailes death euerlafting. 5 ()keel. lV. It is hard to fay , that Chrift fuffered the paires of hell. Ant. The Latin tranflation(commonly receitsed,)hath as much,that he could not be holdenof'theformes ofhell, ACt.2. 24. And there is nobffence to fay, he fuffered thepaints of hell, fo farre forth as this fuffcring may (land with the puritie To of his manhood, and with the truthof theperfonall union. The vie. Friers teach , that ifChri(f had pricked his finger, and let fall but one droppeof blood, it hadbin fufficient to re- deem all the world. But they dreame. For Paul faith , hemu made the curfeof the lam, to redeem vs. This had bin a needles 15 worke, if apricke in the finger , or any puniíhment without death, wouldhaue done the deede. That Chrift became a curie for vs, it (hems, the greatnes and horriblenes of our finnes , it fhewes the gricuous hardnes ofour hearts,that neuer almoft mourne for them:it Climes the 20 vnfpcakable loue and merde of God, for whichwe are tobe thankful! for cucr, and that all manner ofwaies. In that theSonne of Godbecamea curie forour finnes, we are put inmindc,to fee, acknowledge, and confider them, and withal! to bewaile them , and to humble our fillies for them: 25 and to detefl them more andmore, unto the very death. For what is more worthie of hatred , then that which caufeth the Sonneof G od to be accurled. Theywhichbelccue that Chrift by beeing a curie hath redeemed them from the curie of the law, doe in truth die vnto all their finnes , and hue vntoGod. 3o Many indeede profefling Chrift, make no changeof lifeat all: and thereafon is , becaufe a fecret Atheifine makes them fay in their hearts, There is no Carip, there is nocasrfe,that r'& indured 6y Chrift. Clenfe your hearts of this hidden Atheifrue, and looke that inwardly in your fpirits , you die unto your finnes, 5 and hue to God. In that Chrifl was obedient to his Father in bearing the curieof the law, we are taught in all things to fubieft ourflues to the will ofGod. Ourobedience muff not onely be in doing this or that, but all) in roaring the rniferies laid on vs to the 33 death : this is the beff obedienceofall, and the truefl marke of i C c -- -Gods 201