Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

202 ff Chap.3. Ed' Commenrariewpon l-- ___. Godschild, to obey inour firffcrings. Moreouer , that Chrif t was accurfed, it is confirmed by the fcntenceand decreeofGod : On-fed is e: ryone that &lerbon the tree. Deut.z1.23. Thegroundofthis fcntence is thefinne of the rualefaEtour : for whomeGod curfeth , he curfeth for his offence. And here it may bedemanded, whyhe that is (lo. ï ned todeath is not likewife accn: fed i .inf. Healto is accurfed: but there arcfpcciall reafons why the man hangedon the tree is curled. Firfl, among the Iewes, they which werehanged, were rnofl gricuous matcfai ours, as blafphcrncrs, and idola. t0 tours : and there punithment was accordingly,moll grieuous. Secondly, hanging(as among all nations, foamong the Iewes) was a moil odious , and infamous death. Thirdly , God did forefee that the Mcífias fhould die on thecroffe, and therefore he accurfed this kind of death. If it be (aide , that therewas no, to fault or offence in Chrif}; and therefore he could not ben- ' curled : I anfwer, that he became finne for vs,in that our finne was applied and imputed to him. It may be further obieeted, that the thcefe which repented , was not accurfed, though he were hanged on the tree. An/. Asa theefe, he was accurfed; as 20 hewasa thcefe,and repented,the curie was rernooue . For the law in the curies thereof, giues place to the Gofpd: judge- ment ycelds to mercie : and the Gofpel puts an exception to the law. The vie. If the malcfaelour hanged,beaccurfed,and defile 25 the earth : how vileand accurfed is thehuingmalefa£tour, the blafphemer,adulterer, murtherer, &c. who hath snared no de- gree ofpunifhment : Let this be confidered, to terrificoffen- ders. Againe, let vs confider the (copeofthis law.Becaufe he that 3© 1 hangs on the tree , is accurfed: thereforefaith the law ofGod, ¡ be msrfi betakendoomAndburied. Marke the equityofthis law: and that is, that things euill and accurfed, are to be remooued 4 from the eye and fenfeof man. This charge the Lord giues of le(Tc matters, namcly,offightsvndecent,andvnfeemcly. Deut. 35 2 3. 15. Againe , we are commanded not fomuch as toname I fornication, vncleannes, couctoufnes, iefiing, foolifh talking,. &c. Eph. 5.3. Hereweare tobeput in minds. that thePlaies (commonly in vfe)are tobe banifhed out ofall'Chrifhan foci- sties. For they doe nothing els but reuiue and raprefcnt the vilt