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the Epi¡fte to thegalatiaars. Chap.3 i zo3 vile and wicked fa4hionsoftheworld , and the mifdemeanour amen, vl,hich are things accurfed, and therefore to be buried, and not once tobe fpoken of. Againe,all euill inour example, whether in word, or in deede, muff be buried, asmuchas may be : for it defiketh, and is accurfed. 5 Here it may bedemanded, how this lawof God , (beisaa- curled : therefore let him, be taken 'downe, and buried) (landes with the order vfed in this and other countries, in whichmen arehanged in chaînes for the terrour of the world? Anf.Iudici- I o all lawes,ifthey baue in themmorali equitie, and ferredire ly to fente in theprecepts oftheDecalogue, are perpetuall, and bindall men, cis not. Asfor the iudiciall determinations ofthis or that manner ofpunishment, they concernevs not, but God bath left euery nation free , though not inrefpef of punifh- 15 ment, yet in refpell of themanner and order thereof. The third point, wherebyour redemption is defcribed, is f the ende thereof, that theblefngof.A6raham,that is,righteouf- fies and life cuerlaffing, may comeupon the Gentiles. Here two 1 things are to be confidered. Theñrst is,whencecomes the be- I 20 nedifiaon ofAbraham?alaiFrota the turfeddeath ofCbrif}. For thus are the words,Hewas madea corr/efor vs,that the bone- diAionofAbrahammight come on the gentiles. Markehere how f God workes one contrerie by the other. In thecreation, he made fomething, not offomething, but ofnothing : he called 25 light out ofdarknes : hekills, and then makes aliue, Hof. 6. he fends men to heauen, by thegates of hell : he gane fight by a temper offpittleand clay, a fit meaner to put out fight. In the worke ofourredemption he gluts life,not by life but by death, and theblefl'jng by the curie . This íhewes the wifdome, and /o power ofGod: and it teacheth vsin theworke ofourconuer- fion and faluation, not to goe by fenfe and feeling; becaufe Godcan,and doth worke one contrarie,in,and by the other. The fecondpoint is, where this benedu1ionofAbraham is tobe found...9nf. Thetext fay, 7tù extantin Chrifg Iefius, who is as it were the fforchoufe of Gods blefling, and the difpenfer ofit to all nations. In hint are hid all treafures ofwifdome, and knowledge. Col. a. God and the Lambe are all things to all the Fled in the kingdomc of heauen. Reu.2 r. Here we fee the right way tobecome rich : and that is,aboue all things to fecke to be true and liuclymembers ofChriff : for ifhe beours, we ,._ Cc -- rare,