ACons»teratarie vpon can want nothing. Rom. 8.3z. Matth. 6.3 3.P ;a1.3.4.í o. This is a mofi lure way to procure vnto vs all good things that he fees to be neccffarie for vs. For Chrifi is the fiorehoufe of the benediìion of Abraham. Againe , this naafi teach them that beleeue in Chrifi, to be content in any efrate, be it better or worfe, for true riches is theWellingof God ; and this blefling is in Chrifi. This is the truth , if we could difcerne of things that differ. Thirdly, in our pouertie, and in the middefi of all our wants and loffes, wemufi comfort our fetes. For though we leefc neuerfo much,yet we retaine the principal,and that is Chrift,who is the benedi£tionofAbraham. The fourth point is another end ofour Redemption,7hRt we might receiad, thepromife ofthe fpirit by faith. For the better vnderfiandingofthis, foure quefiions maybedenaanded.The firfi is,what is meant by the promife?Á fThepromife ofGod made in the old Tefiament, that he would powre out his fpirit vpon all flefh.Ifa.44.3:and Ioel 2.28. And here it is laide, that this promife is fulfilled to the nations,whE theybeleeue. Marke here how thepromifes ofGod lie as void, dead , and ofnone effefì, till the particular time of their accomplifhmcnr. God promifeth Iacob that his pofieritic fliall be a great nation after 430 yeares: for which time they rernaine in thrall & bondage but the very night after the Fortner time was expired, nothing, no not the raging fea could foppe their deliuerance.Exod. i 2. 4r. Gerd promifed deliueraneeafter 70 yeares captiuitie to the Ifraelites inBabylon.Whcn this timewas expired, Daniel prai- cd,and at the verybeginning ofhis fupplications, the decreeof God for deliuerancecame forth. Dan. 9.23. Me vilîort ofGod (faith the Prophet) iofor an appointedtime. Hab. 2, r. and fo is the promife. This muff teach vs to be content , if after much praying,we finde not the fruit ofour praiers : becaufc there is anappointed time for the accomphfhing of them. In this re- fpeRpallid faith, that bid ejesfailed, and he wadhoarfe inpray. irt3. P111.69.4. The fccondquefiion is, what ismeant by the giuing,or fen- ding of the fpirit ? fln/. Without any alteration or change of place, it fagnifies two things. The fiefs is , Order betweenc the perlons, whereby the Father , and theSonneworke mediately by the holy Ghoft , & theholy Ghofl immediatly from them. The fecund is, that theSpirit doth manirefi his prefence by di- -- /line 5 to ts 20 25 30 3S