the Epifile to the G4lat:ans. Chap.3. `-- f is (id tobe Pent or iuen nine effefla invs, In this re pea he e g j oftheFather, and the Sonne. IThe thirdpoint is , In what order is the fpitit giucn ? For it (cernes, that we firft ofour (clues belecue, and then receiue the 5 fpirit ? Anf. Men arc(aide to receiue the fpirit, when theyYe.. cerne tome newgift of the fpirit, or the increafe of Ionic old gift. Iob. 20.22. Againe, tofpeakc properly,faith and the re- ceiving ofthe fpírit,are for tineboth together. For firfl ofall, theheare the promife of God : then we beginne to meditate, z o and to applie the faidepromife to our (clues , to (Niue againfl` doubting, and to dcfire to belecue : andindoing ofall this we. receiue the fpirit. Tobelceu ,-is the fire grace in vs that con- cernes our faluation : and when we beginne to belceue, we be- ginne to receiue the fpirit: andwhen we fire receiue Gods 15 fpirit, we beginne to belecue. And thus by our faith receiue we the fpirit : and thus alto the fpirit dwells in vs by faith.Eph. 3. a 7. Andwemull not imagine,. that wemay,or can belecue ofour felues, without the operation ofthe fpirit. The fourth point is , for what ende we rrcciue the fpirit 20 I fixe For fixe. For illumination of our mindes, t.Ioh. 2.2 7. a . Cor. 2. r 2. for regeneration,whereby the Image ofGod is re- flored invs,Ioh. 3 . for the gouernment ofour counfells, wills, i af(ez`ìions,aflions,Ifa.1 1. I.Rorn 8.14, for the cflèftingofthat 1 coniuntion , whereby we are vnited to Chrifl our head. r. 25 Cor.6. t 7. for confo '.ation,Rom.8.16.1aftly,for confirmation in our faith, and entry good dutie. 2.Cor. I. 22. Eph..i .1 3. This receiuing of the fpirit, is one fpeciall ende of our re- demption : and therefore it is moil neceffarie for vs, 4o haue the fpirit of God dwelling in vs. Ifwe hauenot the fpirit, we 3o arenot Chries : and without it, we can doe nothing. Wemuff for this saute doe filch things, wherebywe may obtaine and receiueaplentiful) meafureofGods fpirit. 7;rt (faith Peter)andye/h l/receiue theholy Choi?. Againe,wemuff carefully retaine and preferue the grace of 35 the fpirit in vs; by meditation in the wordofG od ; by carnal and frequent praier; by auoiding all fuchaas , in word, or decde, that may make a breach in confcience : for what-foeuer offends confcience, quenches the fpirit. Laffly , by fauosring the things ofthe fpirit, Rom. 8:5. that is,by thinking on things. fpirituall, by affe ingofthem, and_deli hting in them. C. c Bra- 3, 205