206 Chap.;. 4Cer mentnrievpon 15 Brèthren,I fpeake as mendoe though it be but a mans couenant, when it is confirmed, no man cloth abrogateit, oradde any thing there- to. 16 Now to Abraham and his feede were the promifes made. He faith not,andto thefeedes, as ofma- ny ; but, and to thyfeede, as ofone, which is Chrift. 17 .And this I fay , that the law whichwas 4.3o yeares after, cannot difanull the couenant that was be fore confirmedofGod in refpecî of Chrift, thatit fhouldmake the pro- Zs, mileofnone effe . 17 For ifthe inheritancebe ofthe law, it is no more by promife, but 30 God gaue it unto Abraham bypro- rnife. 3S In thefe words , Panl metes with a fccond Exception , or obieltion, made againfl that which he here principallyflands vpon : namely, that the blefling ofAbraham is conuaied to the Gentiles,and that byChrifì . The obieílíonmay be fra- med thus: Thepromifemade toAbrahanbcannot now pc!: taint S 10 ir