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the Epiflle totbe Çc4falians. Chap.3. taine to the Gentiles, becaufe the law was added to it , and by the law it is abrogated : and therefore the Gentiles are to be iuflrfied,and faued, by the obferuationofthc law. To this ob- icElion, Paul makes a double anLwer. One is, that the promife 5 cannot be abrogated : the fecond,that ifit might beabrogated,' yet the law cannot doe it. The fide he confiîmcs on this man - ncr: TheTeflament of God confirmed , cannot beabroga- ted : o Thepromifes made toAbraham and bis feeds, which is ChilU, arc his Tcflament confirmed : Therefore they cannot be abrogated. Thepropofition is expreffed iii the 17. verfe,and is confirmed by coniparifon , thus. The tellanìent of man after it is confir- I r5 mid, may notbe abrogated: much Idle theteflament ofGod. v.i . Theminor is propounded in the t 6.and r 7.vcilfes.Now I come to fpeake of the wordsas they lie. 'rethren]Paulhad before called them feoles; and that lull- ly, becaàtfe they fell from the dot}rive which he taught them, 20 toan other Gofpel. And yet here he calls thembrethren. And hence let vs learne, that in diuifionofiudgement andopinion, awake mull be nodiuifion but vnitieofaffection. It is, andbath bin alwaies the plague ofthe Church,that diuifionofheart and' affeelion,there takes place,where any diuifion isin judgement, 5 J thoughmen erre of infrrrnitie. This cuill caufeth more to be condemned for heretikes, then indeedeought to be : it maketh fchifineswhere none fhould be : it makethdif entions to be in- curable ; which otherwife might be cut off. And therefore if drf%rations in judgement ariie, we mutt remember to fap- n prcffe, enuie , hatred , pride , fclfe loue,and lctChrifcian loue beareTway. Againe, here we fee it is lawfull, to fpeake in Sermons as, men doe, fo it be done after the example of Paul , with theft cautions. Pirflaitmuff be done fparingly,and foberly,without á5 oflentation. Secondly , ittmudl be done vpon a lull caufe , as when the fayingsofmen fettle to conuince the hearers,and that . in their confciences. Thirdly, a differencemull be made bc- tw°eene the wordofman,and thewordofGod ¡lcafl inadding one to the other , the word of God look his grace,and excel lencie. Lafily, Gods word onelymull be the foundation of She