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208 ( Chap.;. ACommentariewpm thedo&rine which is taught , and the word ofman is to be ad- ded,in rein& of our infirmitic to glue light, or to conuince. That which Paul fpeakcs after the manner ofmcn,is a prin- ciple otilaw,or a conclufionofthe light ofnature, namely, that a Couenant or tetlament confirmed , may not beabrogated. 1 5 Paul faith, it is the propertie of them that are of reprobate mindes to be truce- breakers. Rom. r. 3 c. Hence fundrie que- f}ions may be rcfolued. The fsrft is,whether Legacies giuen to the maintenanceof the Matte, may be applied to the mainte- nanceattic truc worfhip ofGod teftator in thegi. to wingoffuch Legacies, hath a double intention : one is gene. ral,and that is to preferue theworfhip ofGod:theother is fpe. cial,and that is to preferue theidolatrie of the Maire. In thishe erreth, and therefore his will may be changed. For teftamcnts unlawfully made, maybe abrogated. In the generall heerred 15 not : ana therefore the goods may lawfully be applied to the maintenance ofthe true worfhipofGod. But it may be hide, that the nextheires may recall them when theMafie is abolilh- ed. Ianfwer, no. Becaufe they may Bill be applied to the pub- likegoodof theChurch. Theaffa ion of the deadwas good 20 in this cafe, though there judgement was naught : and there- fore regard is to be hadoftheir affection and intent. The fecond qucftion is, whether weare to keepe couenant with herctikes,andenemies ? Ant. Yea : for the principle, A couenantconßrmed,may not6e abrogated,is the conclulion ()Fria- 25 ture, which binds all menwithout exception,at all titaes,ìfthe couenant be lawful!. The third queftion is,what ifdamages and lofTes followvp. on thecouenant made and confirmed, mutt it then be obier- ued ? OfcouenantsTome are fingle, that is, barepromi -, 30 fes, not confirmedby oath; and tome againe are with oath. A- gaine, fume couenants are mcere ciuill , becing madeofman to man ; and Come aremore then ciuill, beeingmade ofman to God,as contraclsofmarriage.Now ifcouenants be fingle co- uenants , and areerelyciuill, then may they' be changedby the 35 makers, or by their fucceffours , ifhurts and lotfes arife. Yet if couenants beconfirmed byoath, and ifthey be made to God, they maynot be changed , fo long as they are lawful! , though greàtlofres infue. Read the exampleof Iofua,io19. t 8..4good reranfieeareth, andchange:h net, thosighbe lofetherebj.Plal. 15.4., The