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theEpiflle to the Galatians. Chap.;. The fourth queftion is, whether a contrail maynot bedif folued , when one of the parties hatha difeafecontagious in deadly manner , and incurable ? Anj. If fuch a difeafe follow the contract, the marriagenot confummatc , wemay pre(ume .. that God dothdiftolue thecontra&And the couenant &fò!. ued byGod, we may without daunger hold to be abrogated. The lait queftion is,whether the Churchof Rome hathnot dealt wickedly in altering the daft teflament ofChrift, when it minifireth the Lords fupper vnderone kind?1,4itf.TheyPinne ta againft the light of nature, which teachethvs not to abrogate the teflaments ofmen , much leffe the teftament ofGod. It is alleadged , that we receiuc whole Chrift vnder one kind. Alnf. Truc indeede.But we mull confider the end ofthe facraments is to lignifie and reprefent , perfefl nourifhment, in, and by 15 Chrifl : now perfefi nourifhment is not inbread alone , but in bread and wine : and by themboth ioyned together, is fignifi- ed , that Chrif} is the bread and the water of life: now to abo- lifh the cuppe, is to abolifh the principal! vfeof the facrament, and to 1efien our comfort. to In the z 6. verle Paul faith , the prem?.r were made to A6ra- hans, in the plurali number: becaufe they were fometime made to Abraham, fometime to his fcede,and fometime toboth:and they wereoften repeated to Abraham,and thereforeare called promifes , though in fubftance they are but one. The (cede of 5 Abraham herementioned , is the feedenot ofthe fiefh , but of the promife, Rom. 9.7. and this (-cede isfiat Chrift Iefus, and then all that beleeue in Chrill. For all thefe are giuen toAbra hamas children by the promife and Elefïionof God. Moreo- uer,this (cede is not many(as Paul obferucth)but one : that is, 30 one in number. It is obieiled, that the word [fècde]is aname collet`fiue, and fzgnifies the whole poftcritie ofAbraham. Anf. It doth fometime, but not aiwaies : for Eue faith ofSeth , God bathgsuenme anotherfeede,Gen.4.a 5. that is, another fonne. Lafily , it is laid , that this one particular (cede of Abraham 3`3 is Chrif} Iefus. Hereby the name Chrill, firf} and principally theMediatour is meant, and then fecondly all Lewes and Gen- tiles beleeuing , that are fet and grafted Into Chrift b..: their faith. For Paul faith, RQm.9.8. that the childrenofGod,or, the childrenofthe : rornsfe, are thefideofAbraham : againe,Gal. 3 . 29. They whichare ofChriff, are theTiede ofAbrab.srn. And the D d rti name,