2t0 IChap.3. AComnentarievpea name, Chri,$, fìynifes not onely thehead or Mcdiatour,God and man , but alfo the Churchgathered partly of Imes , and partly ofGentiles. The todie, (faithPaul)ie one, but the rn n bers are many : evenfors ChriÌ, t.Cor. i r. i 2. that is, the Church of Chria. Againe ,Ibears :n mybodie there4:iuIrs ofthe fine. t Irings ofChrifl, Col. I. 24. and theChurch iscalled the temple. tsaent ofChr:fi. Eplt. i . a 3.It Maybe obieonted,that by this means the feeds ofAbraham, is many, and not one : becaufe Chrrtt and all belecuers are the fcede. Ani They are all one in refpct ofone and the fame blcfh :t ofGod , which is fiat giuen to', IQ Chrifl, and by Christ toall that beleeue in him. All are one in j Chrifl, Gal. 3.28. and hegaihers thins in hea:eenandearth into one head.Eph. i Jo. It ishere tobe obferued , that the promifes made to Abra- ham, arc firff made to Chrifl, and then in Chrifl to all that be- tg leeue in him , be they Yewes,.or Gentiles. This Conclufion is ofgreat vfe. Fufl, by it we !carne the differenceof thc promi- fes of the Law and the Gofpel. The promifes of the law, are dire&ed and made to the perfon ofeuery manparticularly: the promifes of the Gofpel are frfl direaed, and made to 20 Chrifl, and then by conlcquent, to them that arc byfaith in. grafted into Christ. Secondly , by this we learne to acknowledge the communi- on that is_betweene Chrifi and vs. Chrifl as Nlediatour, is full ofall eleeted,and we inhim : Christ is firít iu{lified, that is, ac- ag quit ofour fumes , and we iuttified inhim : he is heire of the world, and we belies inhim: he diedvpon the croffe , notas a private perfon , but as a publhkeperfon reprefentingall the E- lea, and all theElea died inhim,and with hirn. In the farne manner they rife with him tobfc, and fit at the right hand of 3o Godwith him in glorie. Thirdly, herewe fee the groundof the Certentie of perfe. uerance, of all them that are the true child:en of God. For the officeofChrist to which he is Pet a part , is to recciue the pro. mileofGod for vs , and to applie it vntovs. And this worke 3; is done byChrifl without impediment, and without repcn- tance on his part. The Peale and foundation of our faluation is this, that God accepts and knowes vs for his, 2. Tim. 2. 19. and that which concernesvs is, that wemutt worfhip Godin `fpirit and truth, anddepart from iniquitie. Laftly,