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the Eptflle to the Galatians. Chap. 3. 211 I,aflly, here iscomfort againfl the confideration ofour vn- worthines. Thou faiefl thou art vnworthie of the mercic of God, and therefore haft no hope, And I fay againe : dolt thou truly exercifc thy felfc in the fpirituall exercifcs offaith , inuo- .5 cation, repentance? be not dilcouraged: thou mutt not receiue the promife immediatelyofGod , but Chriff muff doe it for thee. Though thou be vnworthic , yet there isdignitie , and worthines fufficient in him. If thou fay, that thou muff at the leaf} receiue the promife at the handof Chrifi.I adde further, no that he tvillnot quench the 17axe that doth butffoake, neither will he 6reake the brttifed reede. He accepts the weake apprehenfi- on,ifit be in truth. Andour faluation flands in this,not that we know andapprehend him, but thathe knowes & apprehends vsfirflofall. z 5 T.1 7. This l/4]] In the former verles Paul bath laid downe two grounds : one is, that teftamentsof men confirmed, may not be abrogated : theother , that the promifes were made to Abraham and his feede,which is Chriff. Now , what ofall this may tome man fay? Paul therefore addcs there words, This I so ay, that is, the (cope and intent ofall my fpeech is,to fhew,that thecouenant or teflament confirmed byGod,cannot be abro- gated : and fecondly if it might fo be; yet that the law could not abrogate the teftament , becaufe it was giucn 1.; o ycares after the confirmation of the faide teftament. And becaufe it $5 might be doubtful! what Paul meanes, whenhe faith , the ceue- nant confirmed cannot beabrogated , he explanes himfelfe in the ende of theverle by raying , thepromife cannot be made ofno ef- fef. It is here to be ob(erued, that Paul faith , thepromu a made to Io Abraham r.'sa cotenant, or,teilamcnt. It is a Couenant or com- paCá, becaufe,God for his part promileth remifiion of finnes and hfe euerlaf}ing, and requireth faithonour part. In refpeá ofthis mutual! obligation,tt hath in it the formeofa couenant. It is alto aWill, or Teflament in two refpe f s. Fill , becaufe 35 the promife is confirmed by the death ofthe mediatour, Heb. 9. T 5. Secondly , the things promifed, as remifíìon offinnes, and life cueriafGing, are giucn after themanner oflcgacies, that is, freely,without our defert,or procurement. In this we (cc the great goodnes of God , whovon chfafeth to name them inhis l teflament, that haue made couenant with the deuill . and are , ! d 2 chií-