Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

2I2 Chap.3. ACom»tentarietrio childrenofwrathby nature ,as we all are. Again,in that the promife is a te/t4ment, remiflion of finnes,, and life euerlafling,is a Leg4cie: and for the obtainment ofthe', wemull bring nothing vntoGod, but hunger and thira after them, and make fuit vnto God for them, by asking, fceking, 5 knocking. Thus areall Legacies Obtained, & there isno more required on our part, but to receiue and accept them. And though we beneuer fo vnworthie in our (clues, yet fha1I it fuf- fice for the hauingof the bleffingof God, if our namesbe found in the Teflament ofGod. to Again, Paul faith, that the promifemade to Abrabana la a co. Nenaru confirmed ofGod. It maybe demanded, by what mranes it was confirmed ? Anf. By oath. Het). 6.17. Againe,it may be demanded ,to whotne it was confirmed ? eí.f ToAbraham, as becingthe father ofail the faithfì ll,and then to hisfeeae,that ii is, fir(l to theMediatour Chrifl , and confequently, to cueryy beleeuer, whether Icw, or Gentile. For Abraham in the firfi making, and in the confirmarion thereof, muff beconfidered asapublike perfon, reprefenting all the faithful?. Hereagainewe fee Gods goodnes. We arc bound limply zo to beteene his bare word; yet in regardof our wcaknes, he is content to ratifiehis promife by oath , that there might be no oecafion ofvnbelcefe. Againe,here we areadmonif ied to ref? by faithon the pro - mile ofGod , as Abraham did , when,there is no hope. Some as may fay, Icould doe fo, ifGodwould fpeake to me, as he did toAbraham. I anfwer againe, whenGod fpake to Abraham, in himhe fpake to all his (cede : and therefore to thee whofoc- uer thou art, that belceucfl in Chrifl. And hence we are to gather lure hope of life cuerlaf fing. 30 For in the perfon of Abraham , God hath fpoken tovs : he bathmade promife of blcfling to vs : he bath made couenant with vs : and he bath fworne vnto vs. What can we more re- quire ofhim? what bettergroundof truc comfort ? Hebr. 6, a7.18. 35 Laf?ly, in that God thus confirmes vnto vs the promifeof life euerlafling, it mull incourage vs to all diligence in the vfe ofall good meant!, wherebywe may attaine to the condition ofAbraham : and it muff armevs to all patience in bearing the mifsries & calamites,that fall out,in the firait way toeternal life I -rut-