2r4 Chap.3. c4Comentarieupon not onely to confider the (cope ofwholebookes,and theparts thereof; but to ponder and waigh, euery fcntcnce,andeuery part ofeuery fentence, and cucry circumftance of time, place, perfon. This is the right formeof the ftudieof diutnitie to be vied ofthe Tonnes ofthe Prophets. The fecond reafon vfcd by Paul,is in the z 8.v.it may beFra- S used thus. Ifthe law aboltth thepromife ,then the inheritance muff come by the law: but that cannot be. He prooues it thus: Iithe inheritance of life etcrnall be by the law , n is nomore by the promife : but it is by the promife : bccaufe G od gaueit un- to Abraham freely by promife : therefore it comes not by the t0 law. Theoppofition betwcene the law and the promife , (Lewes that Paul in this Epiflle fpeakesnot onely of the ceremoniall, but alto ofthe morall. For thegreats(} oppofition is betwcene 23 the morali law, and the freepromife ofCod. Let vs againe marke here the difference betweene the law and the Gofpel. The lawpromifeth life but to the worker, for his works, or vpon conditionof obedience. The Gofpel cal- led by Paul, thepromit, offers and giucs life freelywithout the :0 condition of any worke, and requires nothing but the recci- uingofthat which is offered. It may be obieacd, that theGo- . fpel promifeth life vpon the condition of our faith. Anf. The Gofpel hath in it nomoral! conditionofany thing to be done of vs. Indeede faith is mentioned after the forme and manner :S ofa condition ; but in truth it is the freegift of God , as well as life eternal! : and it is to be confiderednotas a worke done of vs, but asan infarument to receiue things prornifed. Thisdif- ference of the law and the G ofpel muff be kept as a treafure: for it is the groundof many wor'thie conclufions in true religi- 30 on. And the ignorance of this point in the Church ofRome, bath bin the decayofreligion , fpecially in the article of Iujhfs- ' Avian. Thirdly, we mull here obferue, theoppofition bctwcene the Lawand the freepromife ofGod , in iuflificationofa fin- 35 \, ner. Ferif life come by the law, it comes not by the promife, faith !Paul. And Rois¢ .1 4. 'Mel whichareofthe law ,tre heirel,the promife is ofnone of ett. By this we fee the Church of Rome o- uerturnesand abrogates, the free promifeofGod. For they of, that Church teach , that the fitta iulification is bymetre mer- dic: