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the EpiJle to theÇapatian:. Chap 3 cie : and that the fccond, is by the workes of the law. But the law and the promife cannot be mixed together,tnorc then fire and water : the law ìoynedwith the free promife, difanulls the Paid promife. Lafily, in that Paul faith, Godgaase and freelybellowed the inheritance by the prem:,1e, it muff be co fiidered, that this Gl- uing isno privatc,but a publike donatian.For Abrahammull be coníidered as a pubhkeperfo.n : and that whichwas given . to him , was in him given to all that fhould bclecuc as he did. / a Art thou then a true belecuer ? doeft thou truly turne vnto God ? here is thy comfort : the inheritance of eternal! hie is as finely thine,as it was Abrahams , when hé beieeued. For thou art partaker of the fame protnile with him : and when God gavehim hfe, he gave thee allo life in him. Againe, perlons as backward, and carelcffe, mull be furred vpwith all diligence Itovfe all good meanes that they may beleeuc truly in Chrif},. f and truly turne to God. For fo foone as they beginne to be- leeue, and to turneveto God , they are entred into the condi- tion ofAbraharn, and ifthey continue , they /haltlit dotrnczrith s o Abraham, f/aac,andJacob , in the kLngdorne o fheas:cn : and after this life, they f sail tell in the boforne of Abraham. For that l whichwasdone to Abraham, frail be done to all that wallet in his fleppes. =S 19 Wherefore then ferues the law it was added becauAe oí rant- grefsions,vn-tili the feede was come 30 to which the promise was made and it was ordained by .Angels in the band ofaMediatour. 20 Now aMediatour is not o 215 j1: ii one : but God is one. Paul bathprooucd before, that the law cloth not abotifh the promife: his laf} reafon was; becaufe then the inheritance fhould be by thelaw : which cannot be. It;ainf this reafon in. the