2I,5 Chap. 3. Certonsuatarie vpon the 19and 20 vcrfcs,there is an obic$ionmade,and anfwered Theobicaion is this. If life and iuftíce come not by the law, the law then is in vaine. And this obieEtion is expreffed by way of interrogation, Wherefore thenferias t e law ? Thean. fryer is,in the next words, It itaddedfor tranfreffiohs,that is,for S the reuealing of finne,and the punifhment thereof, and for the conuincingofmen touching their finncs. Rom. 3. 19,20. Moreouer, Paul lets downc the timeor continuanceof this vfe of thelaw, when he faith, tillthefeede came to n,hich thepromife u made : that is, till Chrift come and accompiifh the worke to °fmans redemption. Here two queftions may be demanded. The firft is,whether the law ferne to rcueale finnc after the có. mingofChria ? For Paul faith, it àr addedfor tranfgreffions,till °prig. Anf. The law ferues to rcueale finne, cuen to thccudof the world : yet in rcfpeE} of the legal! or Mofaicall manner o ii reuealing finne, it is added, but till Chrifl. For the law before Chrift did conuince menoffinne , not oncly by precepts and threatnings,but alto by Rites and Ceremonies. For Icwithwa things,and facrifrces, were reali confeflions offinne.And they were an handwritingagainf$ vs,as Paul faith. And this manner 20 ofreuealing finne, ended in the deathofChrift. Col.z. r 4. A. gaine, the Minifterieof condemnation which was in force till Chrif}, at his counting is turned into the Miniflcrie of the fpi rit,and ofgrace. ..Cor. 3.1 I. Forvnder the law there was pli- tifull reuelation of finne , with darkeand fmall reuelationof 25 grace : 14-it the contming of Chrift,men law hcauenopened, and therewas aplentiful) reuelation offinne, with a morepié tifull reuelation of grace, and mercle.And in this refpcEt alfo the law is faid tobe tillChrift. The fecond queftion is , whether the feede of Abraham ;o were before Chrift or no ? Alf. All that followed the fteppes of-Abrahams faith before Chrift,were his feede. Yet were they not,that feede,that is, the principal! (cede, who is Chrift, who is the (cede blead in himlclfe, nd gluing bleffedncs to all o then. And the beleeuers that were before Chritt or after him, ;5 are the (cede of Abraham,in relpeEt they arc let into Chrift, who is principally thc feede mentioned in this text. When Paul faith, ordained by Angels in the handofa e/`11edi. atostr, hemakes a declarationofthat which hehad (aide before bEnident figue onthis manner. That the law ferues to di(couer