the ,dpifideto rhs Galatians. Chap.3. difcouer tranfgre ons, it appeares by this , that the Iewes could not abide toreceiue the law immediatly fromGod , but it was dcliucred by Angels , and recciued by thehandofaMe- diatour : and this argues mans guiltines, and his difagrccment S withGod ; becaufe a Mediatour is of two,atthe Icatt, andof two beeingat differencebetweene themfelues. The law is Paid to be ordainedor difpofed byAngels : be. caufc they were attendants on Godin the Mount , when the lawwas deliuered. Sccondlv,they were witnetTes and approo- to ucrs of the deliuerie. Thirdly, it may be, the voiceof God whereby the law was publifhed in thehearingofail the Ifrae- lites, was vttered and pronouncedby theminuterieofAngels: for the holyGhott faith, the word fpokenby Angels was f edfaft, Hebr. 2.2. that is,the law. It may be faid,all this prooues not, )!5 that Angels ordained the law. t.lnf. Often in Scripture , the vvorke or aaion of the principal! Agent , is afcribed to the ir.- flrument ,or minifIer. The Saints are (aide to indae the world, r. Cor. 6. whereas indeede they are no more but witneffes and approouersof this judgement. In the fame manner Timothie 20 is faid tefate him,/elfe and otherr, r.Tim. 4. r 6. The lau'trum- pet is founded by Angels, Matth. 24.3 I. and it is called the voice ofan Archangel, and the trumpe ofGod. r. The%4. Moreouer Paul faith, the law was deliarered by the handofa c'fediatour, that is,ofChrifl, (asCome thinke:) but that cannot 25 be : for the handof a Mediatour , lignifies the miniflerie and feruice ofa Mediatour , and this feruice is inferiour to the fer- uiceof Angels : becaufe the law was dcliucred by Angels, and receiued of them by a Mediatour. Therefore the Mediatour here mentioned,is Mofes, who flood betweene the peopleand 30 God, in the deliucrieofthe law.Deut.5. T. It may be obieCled, that there isbut one Mediatour Chrif , r.Tim.2. 8. Anf. Media tour ofreconciliation is onely one, and that is Chrifl :and Mo- les is a Mediatouronely in the relating and repot tin,,, the law fromGod to the Ifraclites. 35 Paul addes, that a c.i3fediatoarr is not cfone , that is, that euery Mediatour is of two at the leaf' , and of two at variance , and (14-agreement. And he faith limber, that god is one: that is,al- waies the fame and like himfelfe without change. And the rea- fon of the (*peach is this. Paul bath taught that the law was gi- uen by a Mediatour, and that this declared a difference be- E e z twcene 217 iá