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20 Chap.t.. fICommentarie vpo:t difpraife our (clues. Thisis.Chriflian ciuilitic tobe ioyned with our faith. Secondly, when he faith, v he bath caslledycn in the grace of Chrifi, we learne, that the (cope of the Gofpel is to bringmen to the graceofChrifl. To this very ende Godhath vouchfa- fedvs in England the Gofpel more then fourtie yeares. And therefore our words, and deedes,and hues, fhould be feafoncd with grace,and fauour of it : and Phew forth the grace ofGod. Secondly , we owe vnto God great thankfulnes, and we can neuer be fufficiently thankcfull for this benefit, that God calls t o vs to his grace. But it is othervaife : the funne is agoodly crea- turc : yet becaufe we fee it daily, not regarded: and fo it is with the grace ofGod. Thirdly , the Galatians arc remooued not onely from the dofhrine ofPaul, but alfo from the-grace ofGod. And the rea- z g fon is , becaufe they ioyned the workesofthe lawwith Chrifl and his grace in the caufe of' their iuflification, and faluation. Here it mull be obferued, that they which make an vnion of grace, and workes, in the caufe of iuflification, arc feparated from the graceof God. Grace admits no partner, or fellow. 20 Grace muff be freely giuen cuery way, or itisno way grace. Hence it followes , that theprefent Church of Rome isdepar- ted from thegrace of God, becaufe it makes a concurrence of grace, and workes,in the iuilification ofa (inner before God : andwe may not make any reconciliation with that Church in 23, religion:becaufe it isbecome anenemie ofthe grace ofGod. The thirdpoint is , Towhat thing the Galatiansreuolt ? to another Go ficl, that is, to a better gofpel, then thatwhich Paul taught,compounded ofChrift and the workes ofthe law.And this forged gofpel the falfe- apoflles taught , and the Galatians 30 quickly receiued. Herewe fee the curious nicenes and dainti- nes of mans nature , that cannot be content with thegood things ofGod,vnlefle they he framed toour minds:and if they pleafevs for a while , they doe notpleafevs long, but wemull haue new things. Our firfl parents not content with their firfl 35 &late, mull needes be as God. Nadab and Abihu offer facri- fice to God, but the fire mull be of their owne appointment. KingAchas will offer facrifice to God, but the altar mull be like the altar at Dana(cus. Falfe-teachers befide the do- &rine of the Apotiles, had profound learning- of their owne..