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2 t Chaa..i. Comrnentarie vpo>s twecne God and man. Now it might be laid, where is the fault' in this difference, and who is the taule of it Z. Paul faith, not God, but man : becaufe Godis alwaiesone and thefame. Thevfc. In that the law is for tranfgrefEons, we are taught toexamine and fearchour hearts,and hues by the law ofGod. 5 Zephan.2. * . Fanneyau,O nation,not worthie ro be lotted. Lam. 3. 40. Let vs ¡earth our hearts, and turne opine to the Lord. That we may the better examine our felues, foure rules mutt beob- fcrued. The firft, when any one finne is forbidden in any com- to mandement ofthe law, vnder it all fines of the fame kindare !forbidden, all cauCes of them, and all occafions. The fecond , a commandementnegatiu fe includes the afr- matiue, and binds vs not onely to abítaine from euill, but alfo to doe the contrarie good. it 5 .t*, The third is , that euery commandement mull be vnder- p floodwith a curieannexed to it, though the curie be not ex- prefte The fourth is, that wemull efpecially examine our felues by the fini and Taft commandements. Forthe Eirfl forbids the ao firíl motionsofour hearts againfl God, and the lait forbiddes the fini ¡notions ofour hearts againfl our neighbour ; though t there be no confent to dot the euill which we thinke. Paul faith ofhimfelfe, that the commandement ,7 ham , alt not lrtfl, was it that efpecially humbledhim. Rom. 7. 25. According to thefe andother rules, (which nowI omit) we . . mull with fpeciall care examine our felues. The want of this dulie, caufeth men to rot away in their finnes,witl out remorfe or true repentance : and it is the caute that fo many menprofit fo little in hearing the word preached; becaufe they know not 30 what finnemeanes, neithercan they fearcharight their conici. entes anti lines. ;vioreouer,after we haue begunne to praetife this dulie; we mull often(as occauon dial! be giucn)renue it to theend.Con- fader Dauids exam ple.Pfal. t t 9.59. 35 Where Paul faith,that the law is addedtill(hrif, we fee that the Legal] minifterie of death is aboli(hed now ; and that we are vndcr the Minifterie of the fpirit and life. And for this caufe we in thefelafr daies,that arc Minifters of the word, muff preach the doarineof faluationplainly, to the very confcien- ces' 1