the Epiflle to the Galatians. Chap.3. zi9. ces ofmen. z.Cor. 4. t. Againe,thepeople ofthcfe daies ought to abound in knowledge , and their obedience fhouldbe an- fwerable to the meafure of their knowledge . And ,if after much preaching in thefe dales oflight, theGofpel be hid,(as it 5 is toverymany, who remains Ihl1 in ignorance, and difobedi- ence) it isa fearefull figuevnto them of their condemnation.z. Cor.4 4. In that the law of Godwas ordained or deliuered byAn- gels,wc areput inminds to reuerence it, and to efteemc it as a treafurc. Secondly,weare to feare to breake the leaf}comman- dement ofthe law : becaufc the angels that were ordainers of the law, doe no doubt,obfcrue the keepers and thebreakersof it, and are readie preti to be witneffes and reuengers againft them that offend. Steuen vpbraids the Iewes, that the law was 55 giuen by the difpenfation of Angels , and yet they brake it. Aft.7.53. Thirdly, if thou offend and breake the law, repent fpeede : for that is the delire and ioyofAn cls.They that deliuered the law,rcioice to fee the keeping ofit.Laftly,if thou finne and repent not, Tooke for fhame and confufion before go God andhis angels. liecaufc Moles was a mediatour to the Iewes, Papifis ga- ther that thcrefore,Angels, and Saints, may be mediatours. Anf. It follower not. Mofes was ordained a mediatour, fo are not they. Moles was prefent with the Iewes, and had fellow- 5 fhip with them whole mediatourhe was, Saints are abfent in heauen, and Angels though they beabout vs , haueno fellow- (hip withvs. Mofes was mediatourbut once, and that onely in one thing: Saints are made continual! mediatours.Lalfly,Mo- fes was mediatour in relating & reporting the law fromGod, 3o to thepeople : Saints and Angels are made mediatours to re- late and report our praiers, and the fecrets of our hearts to God. Whereas Paul faith; that a CA'fediatotrr is not ofone , but a third , bctweene two at the lead : it may bedemaunded, how 35 Chri(tcan bemediatour betweenc man and God, confidering be is God ? Anf: Though Father, Sonne, and holy Spirit, be one and the fame in refpeâof Godhead , yet are they dìflin& in refpe&ofperfon, or in rcfpcft of themanner of fubffling : fo asthe Father is the father,not the Sonne,or holyGhofl ; the Sonne,the fonne,and not the Father,or the H.Ghofl;theholy E c .z Gboa, i