220 1Chap.3. ACommentarie ?poi Gboll, the holy Ghat}, and not the father, or the fonne. The forme then , and the father, beeing perfons really drtlintî the fonne may be,and is Nlediatour, frit ()fall, in refpeet oforder to the father and in him, to thefonne,and the holy Ghoul. For the three perfons beeing of one nature and will, when the fa. í cher is appeared, in him alto the fonne, and the holy Ghofl are appealed. Thus Iohnfaith,lfanymanframe, are have anaduocate with thefather.lt may be faid,that Chrifl cannot be Mediatour to himfelfe. Anf. In Chrifl confider his nature,and his Office. By nature,he is the fonne ofGod : by office, he is Mediatour, to and thus he is God. man,or Alan -god: andas Mediatour by vo- luntarie difpenfation, he is inferiour to himfelfe ashe is theet= fentiail fonneofGod. Andin the fame msnner,Chrit} as God- man is Mediatour to himfelfeas he is the fonne of God. Foras he is the fonneof God, he is the partie offended ; as he is Me- zs diatour God- man,he is the partie that makes reconciliation. Lardy , the propertieof God muff beoblerucd , that he is unchangeable. lam. t. r 7. Mal.3. ¡6. It may be obieaed,that God is raide in Scripture to repent. Ain( God is laid to repent, notbecaufe he changeth either nature or will : but becauti he 20 changeth his anions ofmercie and loue, into effeftsoffanger after the manner of men. Againe,it may be obictted,that God changed the law and abolifhed ceremonies. A. /. This God did by an unchangeable decree, before all worlds : and fo the change is in the law, andnot in God, For God candecree to 4 I change this or that, without change. The vie. Gods vnchangcablcnes is the foundationof our comfort.. Saint Paul faith,7fere lowGod,we are knomne ofhim.t. Cor. S. 3. Now the fiat we may certnly finde in our felues, namely, the loue ofGod,and Chriíl : and for the fecond, God 30 { is vnchangeable.For they which are once knowneofGod,are euer knowne of hire ; and that cucu then when they fecleno- thing but God's anger. Againe , we are put inminde to bevnchangeablo ingood things,as in faith,hope,loue,good counfells , hondl promifes, 3 and fuch like, fpecially in the maintenance oftrue religion. For we ought to be like vino God. It is the pocheofour grations. Queene, Semper eaderm. 4lwaiet oneand thefame ; no doubt in good things , fpecially in the religion cflablifned among vs. The fame mull be the minde ofall good fuhials andall good peo lem.