the Ept file to the Galatians. Chap. 3. people. 1.Cor.t 5.58. 21 Is the law then againft the promifeofGod :' God forbid : for if therehadbeene a lawgiuen , which couldhauegiuen life , furely righte, oufneffe fhould haue beene by the I() law. 22, But theScripturebath inclu, ded all-vnderfinne, that the promife by the faith ofIefus Chrifr, fhould be ab iuen to them that beleeue. 20 In theie words, Paul propoundsand ariavers another ob. iedion, innumber the fourth. Theoccation oldie obieaiom is takenout ofthe former words,in whichPaul faith, the law is for tranfgreffions. It may be framed. on thismanner. Ifthe law. ferue to conuince and condesune vs of hune, it runes not to 25 glue lifebut to kill , and fo it is contrarie to the promife which gitaeth life. The anfvver is made neaatiaelv God orbid, And a , f , double reafon is rendered of thedenial). The fire is this: If the law could glue life, it fhould alfo lue itiflice,or inflifie: and fo it fhould becontrarie to the pronnie(becaufe then there fhould 30 be two contrariewales ofiuffification ,one by alone , the other by faith with %voiles. ) Therefore in that it kills and, condamnes, it isnot contrarie to the promife.The fecond rea- I. fop is in the 22. vet fe. Things habordivate, whereofone ferticsi for the other, are not contrarie r. the law and the promiieare' 35 fiabordmate; for the lawpreparestheway For theaccomplifh- ingof thepromife, in that it anus all.vneler finneethat thepro. wife maybe giuen to them that beleeue, in Chriff. The vie. In that Paul reie6ls the blafphemous ,obidliore with,Godforbid : we are taught to avoid things laid or clone to! the difhonour ofcod,witb loathingand.detefiation. When it , E e 3 was' 211 15