Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

222 Chap.3> A Cotirraerrtarievpou was related to Ahaband Iezabel, that Naboth had blatphe_ InedGod,they bceing idolaters,folerrnife a fall pretending danger by the finne. 1. King. 21. 12, Caiphas fuppofing that Chrifa had bla(phemcd, rent bis garments. Math. 26. When lob did but fufpra his children ofblafpl,erning God, he cal - led them and íanetified them. Job t. j. It is the fault of our -dales, that many blafpheme by curfing, (wearing, &c. without feate, andmany doc it (as many diffolute fouldiers) in a braue- tie and hearers thereof for the moil part are nothingmoo- ued thereat ; fo ordinarie is the offence. This fhewes the wic- kednes ofour times. In the firff reafon, Paul deliuers a notable conclufron,name ly, that the thingwhich is themeanes to procure life vitto vs,is alfo the meanesof our iuflice or itatbificationbeforeGod. And good reafon. For iuflice caufeth life : and that which giueth life, firff of all giueth iuflice. Hence it followes that workes cannot tneritorioufly defcrue eternal life. For if life beby the workes ofthe law, then iuflice alto: but that cannot be: for we mull firff ofall be iuflified , beforewe can doe a good worke. Let the Papills confider this. Againc, they whichteach, that faith is alone in iullification , and that both faith and workes concurre as caufes of faluation , are deceiued. For by the for- mer conclufion of Paul, ifworkes be caufes of faluation , then muff they altohaue a flroake inour iuflification , which they haue not. And therefore they are the wayof our faluation, but notany caufe at all.Laflly,here wefee that manyamongvs doe not hold Chrift, or beleeue in him aright, for their iuflificati- on : becaufe they holdhimwithout changeof heartand life. For by Pauls conclufion , whome Chrill quickneth , them he iuflifieth : and whome hedoth not quicken, themhe doth not iuflifie. Examine thy (elfe then : if Chrilt haue fanthficd and renewed thy heart, thou art iuflificd : ifthy heart be yet vnfan- flified , and thy life vnreformed , deceiue not thy felfe with fond imaginations : thouart not yet iuflified. The 22.verfe followeth,containing the fecond reafon. And fill let vs confider the meaning ofthe words. The Scripture] the wordsare in the Original! thus, Thatfcripture, namely, the Scripture before named, the written law in the bookes of the old Tellament. And further, 6y the1-nr, wemutt vnderfland, ,God in the law, Rom. i i. 3 z. God hash concluded all wider vnbt- S I0 S 20 25 30 35