the Epiflle te theÇalatiene. Chap.3. , 2z3 vnbelcefe. Concluded] The law is compared to a fudge , or fergeant : finne to a prtfon. And the law is Paid to conclude , or tnclofe men vider finne : becaufe it doth to the full accule and con- uincevs of fn,foas our moutlics are flopped, and we haueno way to efcape. All] All men that came of Adamby generation, with all that conies from them, their thoughts ,.defires, wordes , and deedes. The eremite] The thing pr.ornifed, which is Retniflion of finne, and lire euerlaf}ing. Ty the faith of Chrilia That is, the faithwhereof Chrifl is both theauthor, and matter. This isadded, to fignifie vntovs, who are true beleeuers, namely , they which are beleeuers by the faith of Chrif}. Againf} this text ofPaul, blind reafon moouethmany que- flions,as namelywhy God createdman,and then fuffercd him to fall? why God did not r f1raine the fall ofAdam to his per - fon, butfufers it to inlarge it Idle to all mankind , fo as all be Phut vpvider finne ? why the promife is notgiven to all, but onely tobeleeuers ? But there are two fpcciall grounds, upon which we are to flay our minds. Thelrfl is, that Godbath an abfolute foueraigntie and lordship otter all his creatures. We may not therefore difpute the cafe withGod. Rom.9. 2o. He may doe with his on newhat he will. Math.2o. t 5. The fecond is, that the wales and judgements of God are a guile , into which ; the more we fearch, the more wep'.unge our felues : becaufe they arewtifearchotble.Rom. 1 t . 33. , Marke the phrafe ofPaul [ theScripture concludes 411 wider - finne] ifit concludeor (hut vp, then it determines whatis finne, whatnot. And ifthis be ío : then it may alfa determine what is true,and what is falfe :.and fo he truly rearmed a fudgeof con - trouerfies in religion. If it [hut vp fumets vider their finne, then allo itfhuts them that errevnder their crrour, for erreurs be finnes and fruits ofthe flefh. It is laid blafphemoufly,that if the Scripture be a Iudge, it is buta dummeIudge : and I lay a- gaine, that offenders mayplead for- themfelues on this fort, that the paw is but a dumme fudge, when it condernnesthern, and flints diem wider finne : but they (hail finde it batha loud voiceintheir onfciences;hcn they ad it fcrioulm,and exa- w .. mine!