e Commentarie vFon mine themfelues by it: cue') fo the Scripture (peakes fufficiene_ ly for the determination of truthand falfhood , in matters of faluation, when it is reached , with care and l+ucnilitie. When Paul faith,t "earealljhnst vp'under ¡rave; he puts vs in minde of our nroft miferable condition , that %i°e are captiues of finne and Satan , inclofed inour finnesasinaprifon,like imprifoned malefaffours that waite dailyfor the comming of the Iudge, and nand in continual! feare of execution . And feeiag our condition is fuch,we mu(} labour to feeand feels by experience this our fpirituall bondage , that we may fay with to Paul, rp'earefoldunder (inne, and that we i rsotz' thereùnogoodres dwelling inourfilejh. Rom. 7.14. r 8. This is one of thefra lcf. Eons that we muff take out in the fchoole of Chrifl:. Againc,if we ferioufly bethinke our fettles that we are captiues of finne and worthie of death , it will make vs with contentation of is minde to beare the miferies of this life, ficknes, pouertic, re. proch , banifhment , &c. confidering they come tarre (hort of that we haue dcferued; who arc no better then flaues offinne and Satan. Whereas Paul faith, that all men with all that proceeds from so thcm,is (hut vnderfcnne,he teacheth that ail athons oímen vn. regenerate are finncs. The wifdoneoftheflelb, that is,thewifeft cogitations, counfells, inclinations of the fiefh, Are enmitievxto Cod. Rom.8. To the vncleane allthing' arevxcleane. Tit.i . i S. fnetsilltree cannot bringforthgoadfruit.Mat.y.It may be obit- Zf fìed, that natural! men maydoe the workes of the moral! law, as to giuealmes,andfuel] 1cke.Rom.2. r4.Anf.Sinnesbeof two forts. One is, whenany thing is done flat againfl the comman- dement ofGod. The fecond is, when the aft or workeb done which the law prefcribes.yet not in the famemanner which the 30 law prefcribes, in faith, in obedience, to the glorieAf God. In this fecond regard , morall works performed by natural! men, arc finnes indeedc. Hence it follower , that Libertie ofwill in the doingof that which is truly good, is lo(: by the fall of A- dam : and that man cannot by the flrength ofnatural! will ;s helped bygrace,applie himfelfc to thecallingofGod. Whereas Paul faith , that thepromife Qiteen to belreuer.r, it is manifett that the promife is not vniuerfall in refpeft of all inä- k'nd,but only indefinite, and vniuerfall in refpeR of beleeuers. Wherfore their doftrine is not found,that teach the Redemp- tion S