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tla Fpifl&tothe Calatianf. Chap.3. 225 titanwrought by;Chrifl, to as general) as the finneof A- dam. Indeede , if we regard the value and fufriciencieof the -deathofChritt, it is fo : but if we refpe(t the Communication and donation of this benefit , it is not. For though all bePhut 5 i udder finnc , yet the promife is onely giucn to them rhat be- leeue. It is obieated ,that god neat in Chrifi reconciling the world to him.:el,.fe. 2.Cor. 5. 19. Alf.The text in hand fhewes thatby theworld, we are tovnderflád all beleeuers, through thewhole world. Andwhereas Paul faith, god (hut vpallunder vnbeleefe, to that he might haste rttercie upon all, Rom. r t. 3 2. his meaning is here fet downc, that he flint both 'ewes and Gentiles vndcr vnbelecfc , that he might bane rnercie vpon all that beleeue, both of 'ewes and Gentiles. Marke further , the citric of the law isconuietion : and the i 5 cndc of our conui&ion is , that the promifeof merde maybe iuen to them that beleeue. Here is notablecomfort,with in- couragement to all goodduties. Dotti the law as it were in the name ofGod arreft thee ? cloth it accufc and conuince thee of manifold Genes? dotti it arraigne thee at the barreof Gods so judgement, and fill thy foule with terrour ? doll thou by the tcíhmonies ofthc law and thine owneconfcicnce, feeand (cele thy felfe to be a moll miferable and wretched finner î well. It maybe thou thinkefl that all this is a preparation to thy clam- :nub.: but it is not. Fat itis côtrariwifc a preparation to thy tal- i 5 uatiion. For the lawwith a loudvoice in thy heart, proclaimes thee a finner,.and threatens thee with perdition: but the endof all this is, that Iefus Drift may becomea Sauiour unto thee, lobe it thou wilt corne veto him , and beleeue in him. Forhe fatesno fheepe , but the lot Jheepe , and he call,. not iuft seen, Gut o firmer; to repentance. Let vs therefore withall our hearts come veto Chrift and beleeue inhim,and that by the faithofChrifl, that is,with a faith ioyned withhope,loue,and newobedience. Then (hall thepromifeofpardonand life eueriafling,beglum tovs. Vpon this ground, perfonsindelpaire and grieuous of- 1-5 fenders, may fee a plaine way to helpe and fuccour themfelues. For the worke of the law concludingvs vndcr finne , by the merde ofGod, tends toour faluation, ifwe will vfe the good swam. Laflly,Paul faith,thepromife is made not to eucryone that belecueth according toany faithofhis owne, but to them that Ff t< are Nor.,w.-.