Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

11 s=6 Chap.3. 4 Cemmetstarie vpam are true beiceuers by the faithofChrifl. Therefore mayman (hall not be faucd in his ownefaith and rehgron,but onrly they that are ofahc faith of Chrifl. 23 For before faith canie,wewere kept vnder the law, and Phut vp.vli_ s to the faithwhich Ihould afterward be reuealed. to z+. -Wherefore the lawwas our fchoole-rnafter to C.hrif, that we might be made righteousby faith. 115 25 But after that faith is come, we are no more vnder the fchoole- mafter. Paul in the t 9. v. had Paid, that the lawwat for tratefgrefons, till thefeeds come, to which theprotsnife wad made. And here he makes a more large declaration of his owns meaning. The , fmme ofall that he faith may be reduced to a comparifon of, is i things vnlike , on thismanner. Before the commingoffaith , we were vnder the dominion of Mofes law : but alter faith wascome, we were free. The flrf} part of the comparifon is amplified by a double íìmìlitude: the law was a Guard vnto vs,v.a ;. and the lawwas our fchoolemaf}er, v. aa,.. the fccond fc part of the comparifon is inthe 2 5.v. i Faith] That is , theGofpel, or, the dotfrine of remiiiion off fumes and life euerlafiing by Chrifi exhibited in the flea). if'cj We Iewes :1 Paul a Iew, and the tell ofthat nation. tsw1That is,the whole Oeconomie,policie,and Regiment ofMofes,by lawcspartly morall,partly Ceremoniall,andpart- ly ludicial'l. Kept] Compaffed or guarded . Becaufe the lave before Chrifl was to the 'ewesas a guard of armed men , to inclofc and keeps them , that they. Thou?d not depart fromGod, and=' 1 4 horn' 10