the £piflde to the Grrlatiatta. Chap. 3. from their allegiance tohim ,vntothe finnes, idolatries ,and fuperf}lions of the Gentiles. Vista thefaith] That is, till the faith come. Afterward reuealed] From the creation ,to the law , the 5 Church of Godwas inone familie; and the ref}of the world betide was no people of God. From the law , till Chritî, the ChurchofGodwas ínclofedin the nation ofthe lewcs, and all the worldbetide no Church or peopleof God. And this di- flinftion of apeople, and no people f}oode fame time alter to the commingofChrift. Math. i.5. Got not into thewait ofthe Gentiles, and" the cities ofthe Samaritans enter ye not. After the attention of Chrif},this diftinEtion ended: becaufe the my- fterleofmansredemptionwas then more plainly reucalcd;and it began then to be retreated to the wholeworld. ColoiLr. 26, /5 27.andRom.'6.z5. Thus we fee that the law ferued for tranfgreffions:becau(e it wasto the Iewesas a Guard to kcepe them in the compaffcof their dutic, that they fell not away to fundric tranfgreffions. The vfe. This fhewes the greatnes ofour corruption , and 10 that the very frame of our heart is cuill continually , that the ILordmull be faint to let his (awes about vs as a Guardof ar- med men, to kcepevs, that we finnenot. Againe , here we fee the vfeof Godslawes , which (crue to preucnt,reflraine,and cut offfsnne, into which othcrwife men 35 would fall, vnleffe they were compafledand guardedby laws. Some obie& for freedomeof will, on this manner: lithe lawes of d ca be kept , they are in vaine : but they are ot in vaine:thGoercfore theymay be kept. Ant. The maior,or fir part ofthe reafonnnot , isnot true. For there areother vies ofthe w of go God, then thekeepingof them: for they ferue to reflraine,and preuent openoffences : and to kcepemen in order, at the leaf} outwardly. An othervie ofthe lawof God , was to conclude andPhut vp the lewes into the vnitie ofone faithand religion. For this 35 caufc the Iewes hadbut one temple, one Mcrae- feat,one high Priefl, &c. Hence it followes, that in a godly and Chriflian Common-wealthwhere true religion is eflabhfhed,thrre may be no tolleration of anyother religion. For that which is the end of Gods laws,muf} allo be the end of all g oc-r'2, ,es in all Commonwealths and kingdomes , namely, to (hut ïp-:he ri 2 people