22$ Chap. 3. t1Cannrnentarie upon people into the vnitie ()folic faith. TheChurch of the Lewes, is called a.forant dine, (ealed, agar-i den inclofed,Cant.4. t 2.4 vineyard hedgedi r.Ifa. Pfal.3o.t Z. And here we fee what is the hedge or wall of this garden, or vineyard: natv.ely,the regiment or policieofMofes by aPee- fold kind of law. This adiron»lhethvs to refpeEt and with'cart toobferusgood lawes : becaufe theyare as it were hedges and `fenfesof all good focieties e and the breakingof Mullis the pulling downe ofour fence. Where Paul faith , till thefaith boreuealed. Note, that the to faith, or the Gofpcl, was not reuealed to theworld, tí11 thelall age, after thecotnmingofChr.ifL. Itmay be raid, it was alwaies reuealed to all men, but not fo cicercly as in thefe loft daies, Anf. It was not reuealed to all, either darklyor cleerely, before the comming of Chrif}. Aft. i 4.16. Godfee'red the gentilesto tf walk? in their owne main.lph. 2.1 z. they were avithour God, and without orig. Rom. t . zo.Paul preachedwhere Cskrifl wasnot farrtach ors, naed. Hence it followes, that the Vocation ofmen to life euerlafling, is not Vninerfall : becaufe Chrietw.asneuer Vniuerfàlly reuealed. Neither is mans Redemption vniuerfall za in refpeEt ofthewhole world. For RedemptionbyChri1L was not reuealed toall nationsbefore the comming of Chrifl : and. abenefit to be apprehended by faith , if it be vnknotvne , is no benefit. LafLly , it is erronious that fomc teachnamely , that gracefupernaturall is vniuerfall : that is, that the power tobe 25 lceue,in Christ, and the power to turne to.God, if men will, is generally giuen to all. But this cannot be : becaufe it is not gi um. to: all, men, fo much-as to heareof C'hrift, and to know him. Seeing faith isnow come, it may be demand:d, what is the l;b Guard whereby we arekept now? An!' Theprecepts of the ¡ moral! law. The fäyingi ofthe rrifiarear nayles or fla.¢ r fat - ned to range men in the cornpafleoftheir owne duties: Ecclef. 112. r t. Againe ,the peace ofGod, or the a:fFurance ofour re- conciliation with God,is a Guard,tokecpe our heart.sand fen- 31, fes in Christ. Phi!.4.7. Ifthis will not doe the dcede, Codhath in flore, his correaions, and judgements, to be as hedge to hemme vs in. Hof. 2.6. This beeing fo , our dutic is toguard and.inclefe ctur fc.ues, fpecially our heartseProv. 4. z;. and all thefeni tand.powersofourfoules,Pfahr r.3.bythewhole- fame