the Epiffte to the Galatian.r. Chap.3. 229 Tomeprecepts, and;counfellsofGod.ConIderingwe lie open to fo many enemies, we Ihould continually be armedand ten- fed from the head to the Foote, Eph: 6. s 3. othcrwife we£hall vpon entryoccafion beouerturned, 5 To come to the a4. v. the Jcwes might happily fay , feting weare thus kept and íibut-vpby the law, what nìcanes hauewe ofcomfort andoffaluation?Theanfwcr is made ,theIan, t* fur- ther oterfchooleva after: Hereby fchoolcm.nier , vndcrflandone, that teacheth little children orPetits, the Tarif rudiments or e- ro lements,A.$ C. And the law is fchae eromfler to Ghrif,fortwo caufcs. One, becaufe it points out and fhadowes forth untova Chrif$, by bodily rudiments ofcercmonies and facrifices. The fecond'is, becaufe the law, fpecially the moral) law,vrgeth and cotnpclleth men to goe to Chrifl: For it fhewes vs our tannes, n s: and that without remcdie : it fhewes vs the damnation that is due unto-vs: and by this meants, it makes vs difpaire of fatua- tion in relpettof our flaues : and thus it inforccth vs to feeke for helpe out ofour feints in Chrifl . The law is then our fchoolemafler not by plaine teaching., but by tlripes andcor- 2:0 rcflioss. In this verte , Paul fers downe themarner and way ofour faluation, which is on this manner ; firfl,the las' prepares vsby humbling vs: then comes the Gotpel and°it flints vp faith. And-faith wrought in the heart, apprehends Chrift'forinflifi- 2.S cation, finf?ìfication , and glorification. Paul lets this forth by a fit fimilritude. They that would be the feruants and children ofGod; trufl come into the.fchoole of God, and be taught of l hire. In this fchoole art two formes, and 4k/m1-natters. In the . firfl forme, the teacher andm.rfler'is the lam Andhe tracheth t<o roen to know their francs, and their defeated damnation, anal. l,e caufuh vs to defpaire of oar faltsanon in rcfpeA of oùm>. flaues. And when menhaut binwell ftñoolcdby, and arebron:thtto acknowledge their firmes, and that 'they are flauesoffineand Satan ; then muff they be taken vp to an 3,5 `higher fnnte,andbe taught byanotherfehoolemaftcr, which is Faith,;or the Goiipel. The lcfFon of theGofpel in, that men after they are humbled , muffie to the throneof brace, be- ilecue inChrifl , and»with all their hearts turne vino God : that they may be iuflificd,and glorified:Whenwe haue by the tea , string of».this recant) mafter, learned this good Icffon ; w e are .111Mlor