.-......- 23o 'Chan.;. f Coe»meritarie rzpan becomechildren andCernants ofGod. By this then it is manitcit, that thereare two forts of badde fchollers in the lchoole ofChtill,amongvs. One fort arc they, whichcometo the Lords table, and yet learnt nothing, either from the law,orhorn the Gofpel: but content themiciues with î the teachingofnature. The fecond fort are they , which karne fomething, but inprepoflerous manna. For they haut lear- ned that merde and faluation comes by Chritt : and with this they content themfelues : not (offering themfclues first of ail to be fchooled by the law till they defpaire in refpeft of them- ta (clues : nor tobe Ichooledof the Gofpel, till they belecue in Chrittand repent of their limes. In a word, heis a good [choller in the fchooleofChrift,that firft learnes by the law to humble hirnfclfe , and to goeout of himfclfe : and beeing humbled (ubicas his heart to the voice is andprecept oftheGofpel , which biddes vs belecue in Chritt, turne to God,and tefbifie our faith bynew obedience. In the fecondpart ofthecompanion 25. v. Paul lets downs one point, that at thecommingofthe faith the Iewcs werefree- ed from the dominionof the lawof Moles, and confcquently 20 that thePaid law was abrogated. The lawgiuer, that is, the ex- pounderofMofes lawwas to lait but till the comming of Shi- lo,Gen.q.9. t o. The law ofcommandements fl:anding in ordi- nances, was abrogated by the ffefh of Clint'. Eph. 2.1 5. And thechange of theprietthood , brought the change ofthe law. :5 Hebr.7.t 2. For the better deeming of this point , three quellioins are to bedemanded. The firft is, whenwas thepolicic, regiment, or lawofMofes abrogated ? Ani At the commingofthe iaith,or when the Gofpel fiais beganne to be publif}red to theworld : 3a which was at the Afcenfion ofChrift.And he in hisdeath can- celled the ceremoniall law, and tookc it out of thewayCol. 2. 14. When theold Teflament endcd,and the new began , then was theabrogationofthe law : now theendingofthe old Tee (lament, and the beginningof the new, was in the Rcfurrelli. 3e on ofChritt. For then wasthebeginning of the new world, as it were. The fecond quettion is, How farre forth the law is abroga- ted ? Aaf. The law is threefold: Morall,Ceremoniall,Sudiciall. Moral! is the lawof God , concerning manners, or duties to God,