condly, refpeet ofthe mulled:5m, or curie; There no con- eittnnation tothan t at are inChrO. Rom. 8. r. Thirdly, in re- 5 (peaoFrise:rt.. For in them that are inChrift, God accepts the °fir/fir:fit-Ahem: and this Paul prooues at large in thisepifile.Se- Godand man. Now the moral' taw is abrogated,in retpea of indeauour to obay , for obedience it (elk. Neuerthelcfre, the law,as it is theRule of good life,isvnehatigeable,and admits no abrogation. And Chrift in, this regard did byhis death efla- o the Church,andehern t hat belecue,three waies.Firft,in refpea the EpifIle to the gitAtimti. Chap. 3. it.Rons.3.31. The Ceremonial' taw, is that whichpre(crihed rites and gc- fturesin thewotfhipofGod, in the time ofthe old ref-lament. Ceremoniesare either offigure and fignification, or oforder. The firfl arcabrogated at the commingof Chrift,vvho was the 5 accomphfhment (ifthem all.Col. 2. I 7. Thefecond beeing ce- remonics Of particular order to the times of the old and new Tcflament, concernenot vs. For example: Tr thecommande- ment ofthe Sabbath , (orne things are 1130Yali fOme cerenaoni- al! , Came iudicialt. That in one dayof(cuen there fhould bea' 20 holy ref}, it is moral!. Reft upon the feuenth day from the cre- ation is Ceremoniall,in refpeet or. order. Striffilesof reft from alllabour, is ceremot ial! in refpe& of the fignification or reft from finne, and Teti in heauen. Therefore theparticular day of reti, and the manner orreft , is abrogated: and Chrift by his t owne example, and by the exampleof the Apollies.(exarnples not beeing contracheted in Seripture)appointed the eight day, or the day of Chnfls refistration , to be theSabbathof the nv,Y Judicial" lawes are (rich as concerne inheritances, lands,bar- 30 gaines, controuerfies,caufes criminal! ; and theypertaine to the regiment of the Commonwealth. if the Commonwealth of the iewes were now fianding , they (honld begouerned by there lavves. For to themwere they giuen. Thecafe is not like with vs. Some are ofminde, that all Judicial' lawes areabroga. 35 tcd : and forteareof contrarie mind, that all Commonwealths, arc t9, be gouernedby them. But they are both deceived : and the arcane betweeneboth, is the truth. Know then that of Ju- 1 eliciall Dawes ofMofes,fome are abro,aated,forne are not. Such, !awesas are rneerely Judicial!, that is, judicial! and not moral; anddoe particularly Concerne the nation ofthe I ewes, theland 4 of 231