Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

2.32 Chap.3. A Cowsosentarie vpoos ofCanaanrthe times beforeChrifl , the things ofthe oldTe ¡lament, are abrogated. Of this kind is the law that commands the brother to raite vpfeede tohisbrother.Deut. 25. 5 .The law of Tenths is partly ceremonial!, and party judicial', and {pedal!), concernes the landof Canaan. For as -countries are racler or s poorer then Canaan , fo mull their allowance to the Minifte- tie be more or 'sire. The feuenths, the eights, thenintlis)thee. leuenths, the twelfths, and not the tenths. And the allowance ofTenths,flands notin force in this & other Commonwealths by the Iudicia11 lawof God, but by pofititte laws ofeountties. to For if it did , then Minn-lets mould not meddle with their Tenths, either for the gatheringEor for the chfpofingof them, but they flaouldhebrought into fforehoufesby certaineouer- leers, and they fhould difpokof them according to the nee& n curry Minifter. 2. Chron. 3,1. Malac. 3. The law that the is thccíc muff either reflore fourefold , or be a bondman , con. cernes Canaan,and thole countries. In Europe,((peciallyin the Northerne and Wcflerne parts,) a flraightcr law is required. For thepeople arc much gincn to idlenes,and confcqucntly to robbing:, and they arcof fierce .chrpofition, and therefore with 3 theft ioync violence , and diflurbance of the common peace. And for this course (excepting, in fettle cafes) theft is punillied with death. And this mutt not.feeme hard.For even the !ewes, when the theft was aggrauatcd with other circurrifiances , might punifh it with death. 2.Sam. i z.6. And it is inthe power :5 of theMagifirate,whcufinnes arc increafeclitoincreafe the pu- nifInnent. Now Judicial! laves that arc in foundation and rubflance Moral! , arc not abrogated, but arc perpetual!. For the beta difeerning of them, I-glue two notes. The firfl is this : If a lu- 3o <lido!! law ferue directly and immediatly, to guardand fenfe a- ny oneof the ten Commandements , in the, maine (cope ard ende thereof, it is moron in equitic,and perpetual!: becaufe the end and vIeof it is perpetual!. I will glue fundric examples. It is thelaw of God that he of the Ifraclites that !hall intife them 35 to acre andworfhip other gods,fhail be put to death. Dent.';. 6. This law ferms tomaintainc and vphold the firft comman- dment, the ende whereof is to inioync vsto take the truc God for our God : and thisende is molt nccefrarieboth for Cock 244 tie,,310for the faluationofmen : and therefore whatfocup:, ______.............,--=:immimiiwwmg--- ----- ---