the Fpsfile to theGalatians. Chap. 3. 233 (thingor perfon ouerturneth orabolifhcth this ende,it tnuft be cut off from the focietie of men. Herenote by theway , that they which hauebin borne, baptifed, andbrought vp among Ivs, and yet afterward becomeMafre-pricfls , and fake maim- 5 Gully and obflinatcly , without ceasing to (educe our people, defet+ue in this rcfpe(t, to beput to death. Example 2. rhosIPI: notfar4érawitch to line, Exod.22. IS. This law agaiine, is a fenfe to the firfì commandement. For Witches renounce God, and humane focietie: and therefore le are worthcly cut off: though they doe no hurt : men becaufe they make a ¡aguewith the dcuill, Example 3. He that blafphemeth rbenameofGod , Jïsall beput to death, Leuit. 24. t 6. Ynderfland this lawof manifeft and notoriousblasphemies, that pearce-through God,as thewords rs import : and then it is a maine fenfe to the third commande- ment. For Gods name may in no wife be abufed , and troad under foote : and therefore blasphemersputtingGod are to be cut off. This is thevet y l awofNature, as appearesby Na- buchadnezzar, who gauc in commandement to his people, So that whofoeuer blafphemed thenameofthe trueGod, Iliould beput todeath.Dan. 3.29. Here note, that manifefl andcon. uifted Atheifis , if they be put to death , haue but their de- fects. Example 4. He that currth father or mother /hall die the 25 death,Leuit.4.9. This law is a necefTaric fenle to the fifth com- mandement, and vpholds the honour that is duc to parents. Example 5. He that /mites a man that he die,fhaldie the death. Exod.2 r . t 2. To this law there is noexception made,but one, and that is , when a man is killed at vnawares. And it isfor his, 3.0 equitie perpetual!. For it is a maimand dire& fenfe to the fixth commandement. Confider an other reafon. Nurn.3 5.3 3 The whole land(faith theLord)Aall6e defiledwithblood, tillhis Wood be fliedthat k¢lle:haman. Example 6.T.he adulterer 6, theadulterefefhal both beput to 35 death. Unit. 2o. This Iudiciall ferues tovphold and maintaine chaflitie , which is theende of the feuenth commandement. ¡ Marke withall, the reasonsLeuit. 2o.22,2 1. Leajl the landípue j you out : and ,for these things, that is,forsuffering this and other fnoes vnpunifhed,theGentiles were calf out. It maybe faid,that Christ didnot condemne the woman to death, whichwas to-i G g a kca