234 Chap.3. ACommertarie spots ken in. adulterie..Anf. He came to be a Mediatour, andnot a Iudge, or Magiflrate. It is alleadged, that 1?auicl was not put to death for adulterie. "Inf. He was the li ghcfl inthe king. dome : there was none to iudgehim. Againc,it maybe laide, that ifadulterie be death , then innumerableperlons mulldie, Anf.. We muff doe that which we finde to be the will of God; s and the cuents ofthings mull be left toGod. The fecond note , wherebywe may difcerne a iudiciall law tobe moral! for his equitie, is this ; Ifu follow neceffarilyand immcdiatly from the light , principles , andconc)utons of na- rG ture. For example. Deus. a:. 5. Theman ¡hall not put on the thing that appertains te the 'roman, nor the woman the thins' that appertains to the man. This law is more then Judicial) : for it is a Ruleor common honeftie: praéifed in thofe countries,by the light ofnati,re,where the written law was neuer knowne. And is things good andhoner' which nature tcachcth, aremoral! and muff be done. This is Pauls rule. Both not nature teach this? i.Cor.i r.14. This I fpeake , not to cenlure and condcmne the laves oft this or anyother commonwealth: butonely to (hew how fane 10 Iudicial! !awes hauemorainic in them , and fland in force. , The third queflion is , what is our guide now in the time of, the newTeffament, feeing the Regiment and law of Mofes is! abrogated ? Anf. The outward guide is the DoEtrinc of the morali law , and of theGofpel. It is therefore called the radde' 25 and the 'gaffe ofGod, Pfùl. 23. and the roddeofhrs moaith, Ifa. i T. 4. The inward guide, is the fpirit ofGod,writing the laves of God inour hearts, and by them guidingvs, and bceing a law vnto vs. Rom. 8. 3.14. Thirdly, God by manifold affi+Rionsl nurturesand fchooles vs,partly to preuent firmes to come, and 30 partly to humble vs for that which is pail. i. Cor. i t. 3 2.Icr. 3r.í8. The vfe. Seeing the law is abrogated(asI haue faid)wemutt be a freeand voluntatie people, feruing Godnot of contiraint but willingly, as ifthere wereno law to cotnpell vs. ar/111 nati 35 NU¡hall parr tracers to themenntaine ofthe Lord. Ifa. 2. 2. Thy people /hall come willingly in thedapof aTemMlie. Pfal. r ro. 3.i the dais! ofJohnBaprig , theknodomeofheetuenfil,fred violence, laetrile faith,thejfharllteach emery manhie neighbour andkre 6ro- ther, Term. 31. 3 i. becaufe men (hall 'carne freely without