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compulfron , or callingvpon. Here is the fault of our times. Many fay in heart toChrifl, Departfromvi, we willnoneofthy waits ; andmany againcarc zealous for the thingsof this life, but for duties pertaining to Godsworfhip, and the faluation 5 of their foules,thcyare neither hot nor could.This negligence and flacknes iÿ full ofdanger : and therefore with fpeede tobe amended. For carfed iehe thatdoth the worteofGod negligently : and the Lordwill fpue outfùchperlons. Yo z6 For ye are all the fonnes of God by faith inChrift Iefus. 27 For allye that arebaptifed in- 5 toChrifr,haueput onChrift. 2,8 There is neither IewnorGre- cian : there is neither bondnor free: 30 there is neithermalenor female: for ye are all one inChrif Iefus. Paul had laidbeforc,v.25.that thebelecuingiewes after the publifhing of theGofpcl , werenomore vnder the law as vn- 25 der afchoolcnaíler : In this 26.v. he renders a reafonhereof: and it may be framed on this manner : If we Iewes were {till vnder the law as vnder afchooietnafter, then we Mouldbeail! after themanner of feruants : but we arenot after the manner of feruants : becaule we are children : for men yeGalatians, 30 and that all ofyou, arc childrenofGod , not by Circumcifion, or by the keeping ofthe law , but by faith inChrift. Againe, that they arc childrenofGod,heprooues it thus:Yearebapti- fed intoChrift, and inbaptifme yehaueput onChrift , in that yeare ioyned with him, and haue fellowfhip with him, who is 35 thenaturali fonne ofGod : thereforeye are fonnes ofGod. It maybe (aide, All children of God ? all baptifed ? all put on Chrift ? how can this be ? firing force areIewes , fon'oGen- tiles ; forme bond,fome free; form men,fome women. The an- fwcr is madev. 27. thereare differences ofmenindeedc,but in Chrifl, alt areas one. Gg2 In