!Chap.3. v1Commentaarie non In there words, I confider two things. The firft is,the gene fit or gift bellowedon the Galatians, which is Tonne-fhip, A. doption, or the condition ofGods cluldrer..The fecond is,the deícription of this benefit by foure arguments. The firft is, by the circumftance of theperfons,ye allare children ofGod. The $ fecond is,the inward rueanes,narrely,faith rn Chrtfl lefuc. The third is, the outward mcanes,or the pledgeofadoption ,ye are all6.'ptifedintoChril. The haft is, the foundation ofadoption, and that is, toprat on Chri!l,or,to be one )rith For the better conceiuing of the benefit , three queflions lc may be mooued.The fiat is,whofe fonnes theGalatians were? flnf. TheTonnes of God. It may be faide , how the fonnes of God ? Ianlwer againe, God is called a father, in two refpeEh's firfl,he is a father in rerpeet Chrift, the efientiall word: and then God lignifies the fiat perfot;. Againe, God is called a fa.: if ther in refpeet ofmen E1eft to faluation ; then the nameGod is. put indefinitly: and it comprehends not oncly the firthperIon, but an the fonne, andholy Ghofl. For all threeJoe equally regenerate them that are adopted. AndPaul faith ofthe God. head indefinitly: there one codandfarher ofa/l. Eph.q..6,And 20 when we pray, laying, Ourfather, &c. we inuocate not onely . the firft perfon, but all° the Sonne, andholyGhofl. And the fonne ofGod, is exprefíely called theFather of eternitie , in rc- fpcetof vs, I1í9. 6. andheislaidtohatte his f .ede.lfa.S3.! 1. The fecond quell ion is in what rapcét are the Galatians as the children of God ? Anf. A childe of God is twowales : by nature; byóraoe. The childe of God 4yn,;tsire, is Chrift as he is the eternall fonne of God. A child by ?race, is three waies. By creation : thus Adam before his fall,and the good angelsare the childrenofGod. Secondly, by thepeelnailpion : thusC:hrift 3 as he isman is the child ofGod. Thirdly, by thegracecfe,uopti. on : thus areall true beleeuers, and in this text,the Galatians are (aide to be thechildrenofGod. In this graceofadoption, there be two nits ofGod : one is Acceptation, whereby God accepts men for hischildren. The other is Regeneration , whereby men 3$ are borneofGod,when theimage ofGod is:eftaredin them, in ri ÿhteoufnes, and true bolines. The third queflionis,what is the excellencie of this=encf t? .dn/ Greateuery way.Ioh. rare 2. he which is the child ofGod is hare a.nd fcllowhcire with Chrift,Í onn. 8. r7.astd that orthe