the Epàflle to thegalationt. Chap.3. I 237 ikingdomcofheauen ; and ofall things in heauen and earth. t . Cor. 3.22. he bath title in this life, and (hall haue poflcffion in the life to core. Againe, he that is Gods child bath theangels ofGod to tend onhim , and to miniller vntohim for his good andfaluation.Heb.t.t j. 5 The firfl argument whereby the adoption of Godschil- dren is fit forth , is concerning the perlons to whosne it be- longs, in thefewordes , Allye are the children of God. So Paul !faith, all the Ephefians are EleEI. Eph. t. 3. And Peter calls all Io them to whomc he writes, r.Pet.t.t.Eletl; and Iohn x. cpiff. 3. the children ofGod. And herein they follow the indgement of charitie , leaning all fecret iudgementsto God. Here I ob- ferueone thing, that ettery grieuous fall dash not abolifh the fáuour of God , and eattinguiih the graceofregeneration. For the Galatians erred in the foundation of religion , and had fal- 5 len away toan other Golpel : and yet Paul faith , that they aver: (forall this) the childrenof rod and not Come, but all of them This truthmay be recite by experience. The child ofGod be- forehis fail ,'lath apurpofe not to finne in the time of temp- o Cationwhen he is in.falltng, he hatha ffrife : after he is fallen,he Iieth not in his fall, as wicked nien doe,but herecouereth him - felfe by new repentance. And this fhews,tint.the childof God by his fall doth not returneagaine to- the elute and condition ofwicked men. When S.lohn faith ,he that is borne ofGedCrones a5 nothis meaning is this; he that is borne of God, ifhe fall into any offenceoffradtie,yet loth he not make a pratltfc offilmic, as the wicked,and vngodly doe. It may be laid:, the Galatians andare the G alati-ms, are the children ofGod: but what-isthat tovs? AnI. They amongvs 3o thatproTe true faith in Ch-fT, withcare ro keepe good coi-» fcience, are lilcewife to hold then,felues to be children ofGod Iiebelceues not theGolpel, that doth nót beleeuc his oevne a-': cloption. For in the Golpel there is a protnife of all the bleí- Pings of God , to them=that beleeue: and there is allo a cent - 35 mandement to apple the raid promife to our fillies ; and con fecluently, to applie the gift of adoption to our (clues. When we arebidden to fay, Ourfather, weare bidden tobeleeuc our felues to be childrenofGod, and fo to conic vntohim. There- ¡ fore with Paul I fay, that all we that truly beleeue iat Chriff, and haue care to lead a good life , all I f.ay.are indccde the chil® I` G 3: inn