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j238 Chap.3. ACorxtr.entarienon dren of God. Thevie. Comforts atifing by this benefit, are many. Firfl, ifthoube Godschild, finely hewill prouide all thingsnecef= farie for thy fouleand bodie. Math.6. z6. Our care mutt be to doe the office and dutic that belongs vino vs : when this is done , our care is ended. As for thegood fuccefre ofour la- bours, we mutt catl our care onGod ; whowill prouide that no good thing be wanting vnto vs. Pfal. 34. r o. They that drowne dacmíclucs in worldlycares , hue like fathericfre chil- dren. Secondly , in that we are children, wehaue libertie to come into the pretenceofGod,and to pray vnto him. Eph.3. t z. Thirdly , nothing (hall hurt them that arc the children of God. TheNapeJha/l not come neere their tabernacle: they fell sa.alk! vpon the lyon and the Alpe, and treadthem, tinder foote. Pfa1.9 I. r ;. Jhallturn to theirgood.Rom.8..8. And the rather ; becaufe the Angelsof Godpitch theirtentsabout them. Laflly, God will beare with the infirmities and frailties of them, that are his children, if there be in them a care toplcafc him, with a Purpofe ofnot finning. Malach. 3.7. Ifa child be ficke, the father or mother doenot call it out ofdores : much laicwill God. Theduties.Firft,ifyebeGAs children,then walkeworthie your profeffion andcalling. P . not vaffalls offinneand Satan: carrie your felues as kings tonnes : bearing fway oucr the lulls ofyour ownehearts, the temptations of thedeuill,and the !cud cuftomes and fafhions ofthis wotld. WhenDauid kept hisfa- thers fhcepe, he behauedhimfclfc likea fhepheard : but when ewas called from the fheepefold , and chofen to beking, he carriedhimfclfc accordingly. So mull wedoe, that ofchildren ofthe deuill,aremade the childrenof God. And if we hue ac- cording to the lulls ofour flefh, as themenofthis worlddoe, whatfoeuer weprotcfle, we arc in truth thechildren of the dc- uill.Ioh.8.44. Secondly,wemutt vie cuery day tobring our (clues into the pretence of God , and we mutt doeall things as in his fight, and pretence, prefenting our feluesveto him,as inflruments of his glorie in doingofhis will. This is thehonour that the child ofGodowesvnto him.Mal.t.6. Thirdly,; S to ts !0 sç 3e