theEpiflle te the Calatiana. Chap.3., 239 Thirdly, our care muff be (according to the meafure of grace)to referable Chrifl io all good venues, and holycorucr- fation. For he is our eldeff brother the brit borneof many brethren : and therefore we fhould be like voto him. Jolt. 3. n S 2,3. Fourthly , we mull hzic a define and loue to the word o God, that we may growby it, in knowledge, grace, and good life. For this is the mire and footle wherebyGod fecdes his childrë,t.Pet. z. z.Sudi perfósthcamógvs,that haue no !oue o or likingof theword,butfpend their daics in ignor5ce C: fecu title, Phew themfelues to beso children ofGod. The child in the armes ofthemother or nurse , that neuerdefiles thebull, isccrtenly a dead child. Laflly, we mull put this inour accounts,thatwe mull haue 15 many at$iftions,ifwebe Godschildren:for'he corm % all his children. And whenweare under the rodde ofcorre(iion, we mull refigneour (clues to the will andgood pleafurcof God. This is childlike obedience : and this mutt be done in filcnce, andwith all quietus : thenGod is bell pleafed. 20 The internal! meanes of Adoption, is Faith inChrifl. And for the better conceiuing of it, threeque are to be pro- pounded. The firfl, what a kind offaith is this? osio A parti- cular or fpeciall faith : and it hath three afìs , or effeels. The firfl is, tobelceue Chrifl to be?c¡rrs, that is, a Snuieur: the le.. cond is, tobeleeuc that Chrill is rayor thy Sauiour : the third is, to put the confidence of heart in him. When Thomas felt thewounds ofChriff,hc faid,t_.3) Pard,arsd'my CÇ'ea and there- upon Chrill faid,P,ecase,tr thouhalt f erne then, d eleersefl. Ioh. 20. 29. Here marke, that to belecue Chrifl to be my Chrifl , is faith. Againfl this fpeciall faith, the P:p ills ()hie& three argu- ments. The Era is this: Euery fpeciall fàrthmull haue a fpeci. all word ofGod for his ground : but there is no fpeciall word that thy finnes,or my finncs,are forgiuenby Chrifl : therefore there is no fpeciall faith. Anf. Wehaue that which in forceand value is equivalent to a fpeciall word : namely, a generall pro- rrife,witha commandement to applie the raid promife to our (clues. Secondly, I anfwer, that theword and jromife ofGod generallypropounded in Scripture , is madeparticular in the publikeMinifierie in which when theword is breached to a- nypeople, God reueales two things onto one, that his will ti