Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

24.0 Chap.3. 4 Comrtmentarievpon will is to faue thenby Chrift : theother , that his will is that men fhould belceuc in Chri. -Aìd the word thus applied in thepublike Ìvltniflërie in theifilite of God , is asmuch as ifan Angel fhoulci panic^' rñeak(vnto vs from heauen. The fecondArgu Specíail faith (f y they) abfurd; becaufc by it a fiuinerrtra,c bciccue thepardon of hts finncs,be. fore he hath it: in asmuch as faith is the meancs to obtainepar. don. Ail: The giuing and the receiuingofpardon and faith, are both at one moment oftime: for when Godglues the par- don oftinne : at the fame ínftant hecaufeth men to rcceiue the fame pardon by faith. For order ofnature faith goes before the receiuing, ofthepardon (becaufc faith is giuen to them that arc to be ingrafted into Chriff, and pardon to them that are in Chrift)Eor time it dothnot: and therfore this fecond argument is abfurd. The thirdArgument. The full certentie andperfwafionof Gods mercie inChriff, followes good confucncc andgood workes : and therefore faith followes afterIufltfication. 4nf. There be two degrees offaith. A weake faith , and a ftrong faith. Aweake faith is that, againft which doubtingmuch pre miles, in which there is a furrow for vnbeleefe, a will and de- fire to belceuc inChrift, with cart to vie good meancs, and to increafe in faith. Strong faith is that, which preuailcsagainft doubting, and it is a full perfwafion, or refolution of the loue and mercieofGod in Chrif}. This fecond degree offaith fol- lows iuftification, vpon theobferuationand experienceof the prouidence,and goodnesofGod : but the firft degreeof fpe. dial! faithbefore named , for order goes bcforc iuflification, and for time is together with it. The fecond clueflion is, when faith beginnes firfi tobreedc in the heart ? Ánf When a man beginnes to be touched inhis confcience for his finnes, and vpon feelingofhis owne fpiritu- ail pouertie, earnellly hungers and thirfis after Chrift and his righteoufnes aboueail things in the world. Chrift faith, Iwill give to him that thir/lethof the wrellofthewateroflifefreely, Re- uel. 21. 6. This promife declares that in thirfting there is a meafure of faith. Tocate and drinke Chriff the bread and wa- ter of life, is to belecue in him : and to hunger and thirft ha- ulingasit werea ípirituall appetiteto Chriff, is the next fleppe to this catittgand drinking. Therefore this muff beretnem- bred, ID tS 20 25 30 3l; ratt.32."...telesea.